Creating Consent Types

  • Browser

After creating a consent header record, consent admins can create consent type records to define channels for capturing consent. These include Veeva channels (Approved Email and CLM) and custom channels (for example, SMS or marketing campaigns). See Creating Custom Channels for more information.

Consent admins can only create one consent type record of a specific record type per consent header.

The following HTML tags are supported for all consent and disclaimer text fields, including custom zvod fields:

  • Paragraph – <p>, can set the dir attribute to rtl to ensure punctuation for right-to-left languages displays correctly
  • Line break – <br>
  • Bold – <b>
  • Italics – <i>
  • Underline – <u>
  • Ordered and unordered Lists – <ol>, <ul>, and <li>
  • Hyperlinks – <a>, must have the target attribute set to _blank

Admins must create the same consent type and consent line records for consent headers for the same country but different languages.

To create a consent type:

  1. Navigate to the Consent Types Related List for a specific consent header record. Ensure the Status_vod of the consent header record is not Active.
  2. Select New Consent Type.
  3. Select the appropriate record type.
  4. Enter the following information:
    • Channel_Source_vod – fields on the Account and Address_vod objects. The following field types are supported:
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Picklist
    • Text
    • Formula
    • The Channel_Source_vod field is case sensitive.

      For example, Account.PersonEmail;;Account.Custom_Email__c displays the email addresses for an account.

      This field is not supported for CLM consent types.

      Admins must grant FLS Edit permission to consent admins and FLS Read permission to end users for any fields specified in the Channel_Source_vod field. After capturing consent online or on iPad, a Multichannel_Consent_vod record is created with the Channel_Source_vod value automatically populated.

    • Default_Consent_Type_vod – determines the default consent for that channel
    • Implicit_vod – the account is opted into this channel by default
    • Explicit_vod – the account is opted out for this channel by default
    • Product_Preference_vod
    • All_Products_vod – includes all company product records from the product catalog
    • All_Lines_vod – includes all company product records from the product catalog and related sub channel consent line records
    • My_Setup_vod – includes company product records from the product catalog to which user is aligned
    • Restrictive_My_Setup_vod – includes company product records from the product catalog to which user is aligned and created as consent line records
    • All_Content_Types_vod – includes all content types to which the user has access
    • Disclaimer_Text_vod – defines the disclaimer text displayed on the consent changes review screen
    • zvod_Consent_Default_Consent_Text_vod – defines the consent text displayed on the consent changes review screen for a channel.
  5. Select Save.
Set the Status_vod field on the related Consent_Header_vod record to one of the following:
  • Active – displays consent channels and lines on the Consent Capture screen and prevents further editing
  • Staged – hides the consent records from end users while allowing consent admins to review how the Consent Capture screen displays

Defining Custom Consent and Disclaimer fields

IT admins can define multiple consent and disclaimer texts for a consent channel by creating custom zvod fields on the Consent_Type_vod object. When viewing the consent changes review screen on a mobile device, zvod fields display with check boxes.

  1. Ensure Configuring Consent Capture is complete.
  2. Create a Text Area (Long) field on the Consent_Type_vod object whose API name begins with zvod_Consent_, for example, zvod_Consent_Customer_Text and add it to the page layout for the appropriate record type. Grant the following permissions to the field:
    • Consent admin — FLS Edit
    • End user — FLS Read

    Do not add _vod to the name of the field. See Administrative Do’s and Don’ts for more information.

  3. Create a corresponding Text Area (Long) field on the Multichannel_Consent_vod object and add it to the page layout for the appropriate record type. Exclude zvod_Consent_ from the API name, for example, Customer_Text. Grant the following permissions to the field:
    • Consent admin — FLS Edit
    • End user — FLS Edit
  4. Clear Veeva Cache.

Consent admins can specify the text for the custom zvod fields when creating or editing a consent type record.