Disabling Rotation Lock

  • iPad

Admins can disable rotation lock to allow PDF content to display in portrait mode. This allows users to fully view each page of the PDF without needing to scroll. The device’s orientation lock setting must not be enabled.

Rotation lock is disabled for individual Key Messages, not entire presentations. All other Key Messages continue to function normally.

For example, Sarah Jones displays a PDF presentation to Dr. Clinton Ackerman during a meeting. Since the PDF displays in landscape mode, each page of the PDF is cut off and must be scrolled. To allow users to display each page of the PDF presentation in full and avoid scrolling, Sarah asks an admin to disable the rotation lock for the presentation. Now, when Sarah displays PDF content, a full page of content can be viewed at once.

Disabling Rotation Lock in CLM

To disable rotation lock in key messages from CLM:

  1. Grant the following permissions to the Disable_Actions_vod field on the Key_Message_vod object:
    • Admin - FLS Edit
    • End user - FLS Read
  2. Activate all picklist values for the Disable_Actions_vod field on the Key_Message_vod object.
  3. Add the Disable_Actions_vod field to the Key_Message_vod object page layout.
  4. Navigate to the appropriate Key_Message_vod record.
  5. Select Edit.
  6. Move Rotation_Lock_vod to the Chosen list in the Disable_Actions_vod field.
  7. Select Save.

Disabling Rotation Lock in Vault

Vault admins can also disable rotation lock on the Multichannel Slide document type in Vault. Ensure the Vault fields are mapped correctly to the respective CRM fields.

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Multichannel Slide document.
  2. Select Edit Fields in the Information panel.
  3. Navigate to the CLM Properties section.
  4. Select rotation_lock_v from the crm_disable_actions__v picklist field.
  5. Select Save.