Using the Account Details Screen
- iPad
- iPhone
The Account Details screen is a source for all account information, for example, location, specialty, orders, and affiliations. Selecting an account name on the My Accounts screen displays the Account Details screen.
In Detail view, the left side of the Account Details screen contains related lists, for example, Addresses or Medical Inquiries. The right side displays the sections, fields, and layout defined by the account page layout. Actions and operation buttons are available in the tabs.
For details on the account timeline, see Viewing the Account Timeline.
Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.
Select the More Actions button to access the following actions from the Account Details screen:
- Edit - opens the account edit window, enabling the user to modify account information.*
- Record a Call - creates a call and opens the call report page. This action is available if the user is permitted to create calls for the account.
- Start Media - opens the media player. This action is available if the user is permitted to create calls for the account.*
- New Order - creates an order for the account*
- New Inventory Monitoring - creates a new inventory monitoring record for the account*
- Ratings - opens the Advanced Product Metrics screen. This option displays only when detail groups and detail topics are in use.*
- Email Opt In - Allows accounts to opt-in for Approved Email*
- Send Email - Allows users to send Approved Emails to the account*
- Go Online - Users can view data not yet synced to the device by selecting Go Online from the More Actions button. This opens the embedded web browser with the account displayed. CRM mobile apps automatically log the user into An internet connection is necessary to view the account in the browser.*
(* Feature is not available on the iPhone platform.)
Users can conduct the following actions from the navigation bar:
- Account Summary - opens the embedded web browser with the online Account Summary Report in focus. CRM for iPad automatically logs the user into An internet connection is necessary to view the Account Summary.*
- View Hierarchy – opens the account hierarchy window illustrating the parent and child relationships of the current account*
- Calendar – opens the Multichannel Calendar window showing all calls, medical events, calendar events, and medical inquiries for the current account. Users can navigate from the calendar to the detail screen for an account, medical event, SFDC event, or Time Off Territory record.*
- Sphere of Influence – opens the Sphere of Influence window, displaying affiliated accounts in an intuitive graphical format*
(* Feature is not available on the iPhone platform.)
Detail view displays related lists. The number of records in each related list displays beside the list name. All related lists added to the Account page layout are represented, even if they do not have rows. Custom objects linked to the Account object can be exposed as related lists.
Selecting a related list displays the records in the list. Users can select a row to display the record details showing the sections, fields, and layout as configured in the page layout of the object. To sort list contents, select the column header. Select the column header once to sort data in ascending order and again to sort data in descending order.
Displaying Territories on Accounts
- Browser
- iPad
To enable users to view all territories and assigned users for a given account in a table format, add the View_User_Territory_vod custom link to the appropriate Account or PersonAccount page layouts. This link references the User_Territory_vod Visualforce page. The Visualforce page generates the display of users, territories, and territory descriptions assigned to a given account.
Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.