Using Document States

Each document is assigned a state based on the applicable lifecycle. A document state is either classified as Steady or Non-Steady.

  • Documents that are assigned to a Steady State:
  • Final or completed
  • Ready for Production
  • Cannot be deleted
  • Documents that are assigned to a Non-Steady State:
  • Not final or completed
  • Not ready for Production
  • Can be deleted

Expiring Presentations

CLM Administrators can expire Non-Steady State (NSS) presentations in CRM without having to delete the presentation in Veeva Vault.

When creating Vault connections in the CLM Administration Console, integration users can choose to include NSS content when syncing to CRM.

When the CLM integration runs in CRM environments where NSS is set to True, the integration expires the Non-Steady State and Steady State versions of the CLM Presentation. When a CLM Presentation expires in CRM, the Status of the CLM presentation is set to Expired and the CLM presentation slides are deleted.

When the Obsolete State in the Vault lifecycle is assigned to the Binder Presentation, the CLM Presentation expires. When the Obsolete State is not defined, NSS CLM Presentations remain, but Steady State CLM Presentations expire.

The Obsolete State in the Binder is not automatically defined when the Vault lifecycle is released. Some Vault configuration may be required. See Vault Help for more information.

Refreshing CLM-Vault Integration in Non-Steady State CRM Orgs

Users have two options when performing an integration: Incremental Sync and Force Full Refresh.

  • Incremental Sync: Retrieves CLM presentations from Vault created or modified since the last incremental sync
  • Force Full Refresh: Retrieves CLM presentations from Vault regardless of their status at the last incremental sync (only pulls the latest CLM from Vault). When a user performs a Force Full Refresh, Vault updates with both staged and approved versions of presentations.

Syncing Staged Presentations

When the Include NSS check box is enabled on the CLM Administration Console and a Force Full Refresh is performed when a Staged CLM Presentation exists in CRM:

If a staged version cannot be located in Vault, meaning the staged version is not the most recent version, the staged CLM presentation is updated

  • If the staged or approved version cannot be located in Vault, then the approved CLM presentation in CRM is expired
  • If the expired version exists in Vault, the staged and approved CLM presentations in CRM are expired
  • If a staged (newest) version exists in Vault but not in CRM, the staged version is pulled into CRM during a Force Full Refresh if Include NSS is enabled.

Managing Custom Presentations with Expired Key Messages

To prevent expired Key Messages from rendering CLM Presentations inaccessible, the CLM-Vault integration automatically deletes CLM Presentation Slides that link custom CLM Presentations to expired Key Messages. This eliminates the need for customers to manually delete these slides, and allows automatic updating of custom Presentations.

This does not change how the CLM-Vault integration manages CLM Presentation Slides that link Key Messages to CLM Presentations.