
Approved WeChat is another channel for sales reps to engage with HCPs to meet targets and objectives. Approved WeChat is integrated with Veeva CRM to share brand promotional content managed in Vault Promomats.

Approved WeChat Architecture

  • Approved WeChat is integrated with Veeva CRM. CRM is the hub responsible for Account matching, activity tracking, and content authorization.
  • Veeva Vault is used as the content management system and ensures the latest version of approved content is pushed and available for use in Approved WeChat
  • Approved WeChat utilizes the media player to play content on any browser or platform
  • Veeva utilizes CDN to deliver quality content at the speed required in the consumer space and delivered well within the acceptable time frame

Users and Roles

Approved WeChat has several types of users who interact directly with the Approved WeChat functionality. In addition to those listed, there is also an HCP user role.