Payment Terms per Delivery

  • iPad

Users can define payment terms for Order Line Delivery Splitting when an order is split into more than one delivery. This allows for better negotiations for orders.

For example, Sarah Jones creates an order for a pharmacy and splits the delivery to two dates. For the first delivery, she negotiates payment terms of 30 days, and 45 days for the second delivery in the order entry screen.

Enabling Payment Terms per Delivery


To enable this feature for admins:

  1. Grant FLS edit permission to the Delivery_Order_vod field on the Pricing_Rule_vod object.
  2. Add this field to the appropriate page layout for Payment Terms.
  3. Grant FLS read permission to the Delivery_Payment_Rule_vod and grant FLS edit permission to the Delivery_Payment_vod fields on the Order_vod object.

An OM_DELIVERY_SPLIT_MODE_vod Veeva Setting of 3 for Order Line Delivery Splitting is not supported with this feature.

To enable this feature for users:

  1. Ensure users have access to the Payment_Terms_Rule_vod record type on the Pricing_Rule_vod object.
  2. Grant FLS read permission to the Delivery_Order_vod field on the Pricing_Rule_vod object.
  3. Grant FLS read permission to the zvod_Delivery_Payment_vod and zvod_Delivery_Payment_Rule_vod fields on the Order_vod object and place them on the appropriate page layout in a section dedicated to Line Splitting fields on the Order header.
  4. Grant FLS edit permission to the Delivery_Payment_Rule_vod and Delivery_Payment_vod fields on the Order object.
  5. Place the Delivery_Payment_Rule_vod and Delivery_Payment_vod fields on the appropriate Order_vod object page layout. This step is optional.

Using Payment Terms per Delivery

To use this feature, the pricing rule admin must:

  1. Create a new pricing rule of type Payment_Terms_Rule_vod.
  2. Enter the rule criteria and ensure the Product field does not have a value.
  3. Select the Delivery Payment check box.
  4. Select Save.

Only Total Order Payment Term rules are supported at the delivery level.