Calculating Over Reached and Under Reached Thresholds for Cycles

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Over reached and under reached thresholds indicate whether a user's Target, Channel, and Product responsibilities are on par with how much time has elapsed in the cycle. It represents what management considers to be an appropriate level of progress expected.

To take advantage of this optional functionality, the Cycle object has two fields:

  • Over Reached Threshold – The value placed in this field represents when the Status changes from On Schedule to Over Reached, as well as to convert the horizontal attainment progress bar from green to orange. This means the user is over-performing with the Target or Activity when the attainment is compared to the Percent_Cycle_Completed_vod field on the MC_Cycle_Plan_vod object.
  • Under Reached Threshold – The value placed in this field represents when the Status changes from On Schedule to Under Reached, as well as convert the horizontal attainment progress bar from green to red. This means the user is under-performing with the Target or Activity when the attainment is compared to the MC_Cycle_Plan_vod.Percent_Cycle_Completed_vod field.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

If the attainment is on schedule, the progress indicator is green; if the attainment is behind schedule, the indicator is red; if the attainment is ahead of schedule, the progress indicator is orange.

The Over Reached and Under Reached Thresholds for Cycles calculation, shown below, applies the under/over threshold variance against the expected level of progress based on the elapsed time in the MC Cycle instead of using the total number of days in the MC Cycle.

  • Upper Limit: (% Cycle Completed) x number of goals for the target x (100% + Over_Reached_Threshold_vod)
  • Lower Limit: (% Cycle Completed) x number of goals for the target x (100% - Under_Reached_Threshold_vod)

Over Reached and Under Reached Cycle Threshold Calculation Example

For example, Sarah Jones is 60 days into a 180 day cycle with a target of 12 calls for Dr. Clinton Ackerman and 30 percent under reached and 30 percent over reached threshold. Her current activity is 2 calls with Dr. Ackerman. She is considered under reached with Dr. Ackerman because on schedule is calculated as activity between 3 and 5 calls.

  • Lower threshold for on schedule: (60 days/180 days) * 12 targeted calls * (100%-30% under reached threshold) = 3 calls
  • Upper threshold for on schedule: (60 days/180 days) * 12 targeted calls * (100%+30% over reached threshold) = 5 calls

The calculation provides guidance to end users for staying on schedule based on the time elapsed in the MC Cycle.

If the user's attainment does not meet either requirement, they are On Schedule and the progress bar is green.

If no threshold values are defined, all attainment progress bars are green.