Using Data Change Requests in WeChat CRM

Users without permission to create Account records can create New Account data change requests (DCRs) using the New Account button.

Configuring DCRs

To configure DCRs in WeChat CRM, ensure DCRs in Veeva CRM are configured.

Creating Accounts with DCRs

Users can create Person Account records but the records must be approved via DCRs before the accounts are fully created.

  • Supports Person Record Types only
  • Do not support DCR without Primary Parent
  • The fields on the New Account Wizard for WeChat CRM come from three areas:
  • Required fields based on the Account data model
  • Required fields based on the page layout(s) for the Account/Profile
  • Fields with one of the following DCR field types: DCR_Required_vod / DCR_Editable_Required_vod AND on Account page layout
  • DCR_Required_vod
  • DCR_Editable_Required_vod (fields of this type must be on the Account page layout)
  • To add/remove required Account fields when creating a new account, add/remove required fields on the page layout of the Account object or the DCR field types of DCR required field on the Account object
  • Country = CN is not editable
  • Primary Parent
  • If the Primary_Parent_vod field is not on Account page layout, the field will be below Name field
  • After selecting an account for the Account lookup field, display the Grandparent if available
  • Address is inherited from Primary Parent
  • Address DCR record is created and the address details come from the selected Primary Parent Account:
  • If more than one address is available, select the primary address
  • If none of the addresses is flagged as primary, select the last created address
  • Child Account with Primary Parent
  • Child Account is the new Account and Parent Account is the Primary Parent Account

Disabling the New Account Button

Admins can disable the New Account button to prevent users from creating any accounts.

To disable the New Account button, perform one of the following:

  • Populate the DISABLE_NEW_ACCOUNT_BUTTON WeChat Setting with a value of 1
  • Populate the DISABLE_NEW_ACCOUNT_BUTTON and ENABLE_PARENT_ACCOUNT_WIZARD WeChat Settings with a value of 0

Editing Accounts with DCRs

Users can edit account fields via DCRs for fields with one of the following DCR field types:

  • DCR_Required_vod
  • DCR_Editable_Required_vod (fields of this type must be on the Account page layout)
  • DCR_vod
  • DCR_Editable_vod

See DCR Process for more information.