Capturing Remote Signatures for Acknowledgement of Content

  • CRM Desktop (Windows)
  • iPad

To quickly resolve overdue Acknowledgements of Contents (AOCs), users can send HCPs remote signature requests for AOC. HCPs review and sign the AOC to indicate they received BRCs (Business Reply Cards).

In some organizations, HCPs cannot continue to receive more samples until they acknowledge they received samples they previously requested. When users send a remote AOC signature request, HCPs review the AOC details and sign remotely, resolving the overdue record. This enables users to continue sampling to the HCP without making an in-person visit in organizations where fulfillment for new sample requests is held while there are overdue AOCs.

For example, an HCP requests a BRC during a remote meeting, but he has an overdue AOC which you must resolve before disbursing new samples. When you send the HCP a remote signature request for the overdue AOC, the HCP reviews the details and provides his signature.

Who Can Use This Feature?

  • Platforms – CRM Desktop (Windows), iPad
  • Licensing – Available with Engage
  • Users – Admin Users, End Users, Integration Users

Configuring Remote Signatures for Acknowledgement of Content

To enable this functionality:

  1. Ensure Capturing Acknowledgement of Content is configured and the AOC_Due_Date_vod formula field is populated on Content_Acknowledgment_vod records.
  2. Grant admin users the following permissions:
    ObjectOLSRecord TypesFieldsFLS
    Content_Acknowledgement_vodat least Rn/a
    • Account_vod

    • Alert_Created_vod

    • Alert_Duration_vod

    • AOC_Due_Date_vod

    • Call_Reference_vod

    • Call_Signature_vod

    • Call_Text_vod

    • Create_Alert_vod

    • Credentials_vod

    • Delivery_Date_vod

    • Disclaimer_vod

    • External_Id_vod

    • Mobile_ID_vod

    • Not_Received_vod

    • Order_Id_vod

    • Received_By_vod

    • Received_By_FirstName_vod

    • Received_By_LastName_vod

    • Received_By_Middle_vod

    • Received_Title_vod

    • Remote_Signature_Attendee_Name_vod

    • Request_Receipt_vod

    • Ship_Address_vod

    • Ship_Address_Line_1_vod

    • Ship_Address_Line_2_vod

    • Ship_ASSMCA_vod

    • Ship_CDS_vod

    • Ship_City_vod

    • Ship_Country_vod

    • Ship_Date_vod

    • Ship_DEA_vod

    • Ship_License_vod

    • Ship_Location_vod

    • Ship_State_vod

    • Ship_State_Distributor_vod

    • Ship_Zip_vod

    • Ship_Zip_4

    • Signature_vod

    • Signature_Captured_Remotely_vod

    • Signature_Captured_Share_Link_vod

    • Signature_Date_vod

    • Signature_Request_UUID_vod

    • Status_vod

    Content_Acknowledgement_Item_vodat least Rn/a
    • Account_vod

    • Content_Acknowledgement_vod

    • Distributor_vod

    • External_Id_vod

    • Lot_vod

    • Manufacturer_vod

    • Mobile_ID_vod

    • Product_vod

    • Product_Name_vod

    • Received_Quantity_vod

    • Ship_Quantity_vod

    • Tracking_vod

    • U_M_vod

    • Account_vod

    • AOC_ID_vod

    • Call_vod

    • Capture_Datetime_vod

    • Engage_Link_vod 

    • Mobile_ID_vod

    • RecordTypeId

    • Sent_From_Platform_vod

    • Sent_Via_vod

    • Shortened_Engage_Link_vod

    • To_vod

    • Transaction_Type_vod

    • User_vod

    • VExternalID_vod

    • Account_vod

    • AOC_ID_vod

    • Call2_vod

    • Call_Date_vod

    • Engage_Last_Modified_Datetime_vod

    • Name

    • Owner

    • RecordTypeId

    • Request_Canceled_Datetime_vod

    • Request_Expired_Date_vod

    • Requested_Datetime_vod

    • Status_vod

    • Signature_Accepted_Datetime_vod

    • Signature_Captured_Datetime_vod

    • Signature_Declined_Datetime_vod

  3. Grant end users the following permissions:
    ObjectOLSRecord TypesFieldsFLS
    • Account_vod

    • Alert_Created_vod

    • Alert_Duration_vod

    • AOC_Due_Date_vod

    • Call_Reference_vod

    • Call_Signature_vod

    • Call_Text_vod

    • Create_Alert_vod

    • Credentials_vod

    • Delivery_Date_vod

    • Disclaimer_vod

    • External_Id_vod

    • Mobile_ID_vod

    • Not_Received_vod

    • Order_Id_vod

    • Received_By_vod

    • Received_By_FirstName_vod

    • Received_By_LastName_vod

    • Received_By_Middle_vod

    • Received_Title_vod

    • Remote_Signature_Attendee_Name_vod

    • Request_Receipt_vod

    • Ship_Address_vod

    • Ship_Address_Line_1_vod

    • Ship_Address_Line_2_vod

    • Ship_ASSMCA_vod

    • Ship_CDS_vod

    • Ship_City_vod

    • Ship_Country_vod

    • Ship_Date_vod

    • Ship_DEA_vod

    • Ship_License_vod

    • Ship_Location_vod

    • Ship_State_vod

    • Ship_State_Distributor_vod

    • Ship_Zip_vod

    • Ship_Zip_4

    • Signature_vod

    • Signature_Captured_Remotely_vod

    • Signature_Captured_Share_Link_vod

    • Signature_Date_vod

    • Signature_Request_UUID_vod

    • Status_vod

    • Account_vod

    • Content_Acknowledgement_vod

    • Distributor_vod

    • External_Id_vod

    • Lot_vod

    • Manufacturer_vod

    • Mobile_ID_vod

    • Product_vod

    • Product_Name_vod

    • Received_Quantity_vod

    • Ship_Quantity_vod

    • Tracking_vod

    • U_M_vod

    • Account_vod

    • AOC_ID_vod

    • Call_vod

    • Capture_Datetime_vod

    • Engage_Link_vod 

    • Mobile_ID_vod

    • RecordTypeId

    • Sent_From_Platform_vod

    • Sent_Via_vod

    • Shortened_Engage_Link_vod

    • To_vod

    • Transaction_Type_vod

    • User_vod

    • VExternalID_vod

    • Name

    • Status_vod

    • Signature_Request_UUID_vod

  4. Grant integration users the following permissions:
    ObjectOLSRecord TypesFieldsFLS
    AccountView Alln/aNameRead
    Content_Acknowledgement_vodModify All Datan/a
    • Account_vod

    • Alert_Created_vod

    • Alert_Duration_vod

    • AOC_Due_Date_vod

    • Call_Reference_vod

    • Call_Signature_vod

    • Call_Text_vod

    • Create_Alert_vod

    • Credentials_vod

    • Delivery_Date_vod

    • Disclaimer_vod

    • External_Id_vod

    • Mobile_ID_vod

    • Not_Received_vod

    • Order_Id_vod

    • Received_By_vod

    • Received_By_FirstName_vod

    • Received_By_LastName_vod

    • Received_By_Middle_vod

    • Received_Title_vod

    • Remote_Signature_Attendee_Name_vod

    • Request_Receipt_vod

    • Ship_Address_vod

    • Ship_Address_Line_1_vod

    • Ship_Address_Line_2_vod

    • Ship_ASSMCA_vod

    • Ship_CDS_vod

    • Ship_City_vod

    • Ship_Country_vod

    • Ship_Date_vod

    • Ship_DEA_vod

    • Ship_License_vod

    • Ship_Location_vod

    • Ship_State_vod

    • Ship_State_Distributor_vod

    • Ship_Zip_vod

    • Ship_Zip_4

    • Signature_vod

    • Signature_Captured_Remotely_vod

    • Signature_Captured_Share_Link_vod

    • Signature_Date_vod

    • Signature_Request_UUID_vod

    • Status_vod

    Content_Acknowledgement_Item_vodModify All Datan/a
    • Account_vod

    • Content_Acknowledgement_vod

    • Distributor_vod

    • External_Id_vod

    • LastModifiedById

    • Lot_vod

    • Manufacturer_vod

    • Mobile_ID_vod

    • Product_vod

    • Product_Name_vod

    • Received_Quantity_vod

    • Ship_Quantity_vod

    • Tracking_vod

    • U_M_vod

    Signature_Request_vodModify All DataContent_Acknowledgement_vod
    • Account_vod

    • AOC_ID_vod

    • Call2_vod

    • Call_Date_vod

    • Engage_Last_Modified_Datetime_vod

    • Owner

    • RecordTypeId

    • Request_Canceled_Datetime_vod

    • Request_Expired_Date_vod

    • Requested_Datetime_vod

    • Status_vod

    • Signature_Accepted_Datetime_vod

    • Signature_Captured_Datetime_vod

    • Signature_Declined_Datetime_vod

    • Signature_Request_UUID_vod

  5. Edit the value in the AOC_Sign_Request_Expiry_Period_vod Engage Link setting to modify the number of days a signature request link remains valid (optional). The default setting value is 30, so signature request links automatically expire 30 days after the user requests a signature. Admins may change the value to any integer between one and 90. Signature request links are valid until they are signed or until they expire.
  6. Ensure the following VMOCs are active for the appropriate platforms:
  • Engage_Link_Settings_vod
  • Sent_Message_vod

Using Remote Signatures for Acknowledgement of Content

To capture a remote signature for AOC:

  1. Select the Acknowledgment of Content option from the More Actions menu on the call report or from the More Actions menu on the account detail page. The Acknowledgment of Content option only displays when there is at least one open AOC record for the current user and account. For unique activities group calls, the alert displays on child calls only.

    AOC signature capture from the call report is only supported on individual calls or unique activities group calls. It is not supported for standard group calls.

    Alternatively, select the Sign icon from the header on a Content Acknowledgment detail page.

  2. Select the appropriate signature method from the Request Signature Method picklist on the Signature Setup page.
  3. Complete the selected signature request process:

Once the HCP submits their signature, the end user receives an email notification from Veeva CRM.

Remote AOC signatures are automatically accepted. Users do not need to review and accept the HCP signature.

Approved Email receipts are not available for AOC signatures.

While there is a pending signature request, the Content_Acknowledgment_vod record for the AOC is locked. Users and admins cannot edit or delete Content_Acknowledgement_vod records with pending signature requests until the HCP provides a signature or the user cancels the signature request.

Face to Face Signature Capture

To request a signature using Face to Face signature capture:

  1. Select Face to Face from the Request Signature Method picklist for the appropriate AOC record.

  2. Select the Request Signature button.

  3. Provide the device to the HCP for signature capture.

  4. Select Accept to accept the HCP signature and complete the AOC process.

The Face to Face method is not available on the CRM Desktop (Windows) platform.

Share Link Signature Capture

To request a signature using Share Link signature capture:

  1. Select Share Link from the Request Signature Method picklist for the appropriate AOC record.

  2. Select Request Signature.

  3. Select the appropriate application from the custom sharing modal to share the generated link with the HCP. Sharing options are defined by the ENGAGE_LINK_APPS;;EngageLink Veeva Message. If an acceptable application is not available, select Copy Link to copy the link to the device’s clipboard, then send it to the HCP through the preferred application.

Users do not need to remain in the Veeva CRM application while waiting to capture the signature.

Checking for Pending Signatures

To check for submitted signatures after sending a Share Link signature request, select the Check for Signature or Check for All Signatures button from the upper right corner of the signature page, or from the signature request card. Users access the signature page from the same entry points as they did when requesting a signature--the call report, the Content Acknowledgement detail page, or the account detail page. If there are multiple signature requests pending for the account, the Check for All Signatures button is available in the signature page header.

If the HCP has submitted a signature for one or more outstanding AOC signature requests, a Signature Received message displays.

Select OK to return to the Signature Setup page. If all open AOCs are resolved, including AOCs with pending signature requests, the Signature Setup page closes and users are returned to their entry point.

If the HCP has not submitted a signature for any pending request, a No Signature Received message displays.

Select OK to return to the Signature Setup page.

Engage Meeting Signature Capture

To request a signature using Engage Meeting signature capture:

  1. Select Engage Meeting from the Request Signature Method picklist for the appropriate AOC process.

  2. Select Request Signature.

  3. Select the appropriate attendee. This step only displays if multiple attendees are using the same Engage meeting ID as the selected account.

A Requesting modal displays to the meeting host until the HCP sends their signature back to the host.

The Engage Meeting method is only available while users are hosting an Engage meeting.

Canceling Pending Signature Requests

To cancel a pending signature request, select the Cancel Request button for the appropriate AOC on the Signature Setup page. If the HCP has not yet submitted a signature and the request is not expired, a confirmation message displays.

Select Cancel Request to confirm the cancellation.

Canceling a pending signature request is not available for Face to Face signatures.

Providing a Remote Signature for Acknowledgment of Content

AOC recipients review the signature request, sign, and submit their signatures from the signature capture screen on the end user's device (Face to Face method only) or from the internet browser on their own device. Recipients may edit the received quantity, mark an order as not received, and edit the AOC recipient before submitting their signature.

Editing the Received Quantity

If the actual received quantity differs from the expected quantity, select the edit icon next to the Received_Quantity_vod field and enter the appropriate information.

Select Done to save the edited quantity and return to the signature capture screen.

Marking an Order as Not Received

If the entire order was not received, select the Did not receive order toggle. The Receipt_Quantity_vod field for all line items on the AOC record is set to 0 and the Not_Received_vod field is marked on the AOC record.

Editing the AOC Recipient

If the HCP who ordered the shipment did not personally receive the package, the signer must edit the signature capture screen to reflect the actual shipment recipient—for example, an office manager or front desk staff member.

To edit the AOC recipient, select the edit icon next to the name or role and enter the appropriate information.

Select Done to save the edited information and return to the signature capture screen.

Submitting Signatures

When the AOC information is correct, sign for the shipment, then select the Accept button to submit the signature and complete the AOC process.

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