Adding Survey Channels
The Channels_vod field displays by default on the Survey_vod page layout. This text field renders as a multi-select field and determines which channel the survey can be answered in. The options are the following:
- CRM_vod (label CRM) – must be selected to allow users to answer survey target records through the standard Veeva interface. Question Response records created through the standard Veeva interface use this record type
- CLM_vod (label CLM) – select this option if deploying a survey within CLM content. Question Responses created by users use this record type
- CRM_Coaching_vod (label Coaching Report) - select this option to allow users to answer a survey from a Coaching Report.
- Approved_Email_vod (label Approved Email) - select this option to allow users to answer a survey from an Approved Email message. This channel is available for one-time or recurring surveys.
- Suggestions_vod (label Suggestions) - select this option to allow users to answer a survey instead of standard feedback when dismissing a suggestion.
Survey creators define deployment channels when creating a survey. This information is stored in the Channels_vod field on the Survey_vod object. The available channel options are driven by record type access on the Question_Response_vod object. If only the CRM channel will be used, the Channels_vod field can be removed from the Survey page layout, but the field should have a default value of CRM_vod to enable users to answer the survey.