Surveys in Approved Email

  • iPad
  • Browser

Surveys can be sent to survey participants using Approved Email. These surveys display to participants as links embedded in the email that launch a survey in a Veeva-hosted iFrame, enabling customers to expand their reach and not rely on face-to-face meetings to conduct a survey.

One-Time, Recurring, and Events Surveys for Accounts are sent via Approved Email.

Configuring Sending Surveys via Approved Email

To enable this feature:

  1. Grant Approved Email admins, content admins, and integration users the following permissions:

    Object OLS Record Types Fields FLS
    Survey_vod R n/a
    • External_ID_vod




    • Survey_vod


  2. Grant Survey admins the following permissions:

    Object OLS Record Types Fields FLS
    Question_Response_vod CRUD Approved_Email_vod
    • All fields




    • Survey_vod


    Survey_Target_vod n/a n/a
    • Sent_Email_vod

    The credentials configured in the Survey Administration page are used by the Survey iFrame to retrieve the Survey data to display and write the response data to CRM.

  3. Grant end users FLS read permission to the Survey_vod field on the Approved_Document_vod object.

    Integration users create survey responses. If other users in your organization need to review responses, ensure those users also have the correct visibility permissions.

Configuring Surveys for Approved Email

Preparing a Survey for integration with Approved Email requires action both in CRM and in Vault.

In CRM, select Approved Email as a channel when creating a new Survey.

In Vault:

  1. Create a corresponding Survey record in the Survey object.
  2. Ensure the External ID value matches the External_ID_vod field value of the Survey in CRM on the Survey_vod object.
  3. Associate the Survey to the Approved Document using the crm_survey1__v field. The Survey-to-Approved Document association is sent to CRM via the Approved Email Vault-CRM integration.

All email templates used for Surveys must include the {{surveyLink}} token to reference the associated survey.

Displaying a Survey from an Approved Email

Surveys must be published via the MC Engine to use the Survey iFrame.

Validation rules are not supported in the Survey iFrame.

Depending on the Survey's status, when the HCP selects the Survey link in an Approved Email, one of three pages displays:

    The Survey displays and HCP responses can be captured. When responses are submitted, a message displays indicating the Survey was submitted.

  • A message that the Survey was taken (this is only relevant for One-Time Surveys)
  • A message the Survey is no longer available (i.e, it expired, is no longer published, or Approved Email is not a listed channel)

The Locale formatting for date, time, number, and decimal type responses is based on the HCP's browser.

Branching Surveys are not supported in Approved Email.

Notifications and Errors

In addition to the credentials configured on the Survey Administration page, additional email addresses can be added to Survey iFrame Alerts. To add or remove recipients, select Edit. The list of recipients must be comma delimited.

Alert emails are not sent for Sandbox environments.

Email notifications are sent for the following scenarios:

  • Errors received when retrieving the Survey data to display in the iFrame
  • Errors received when writing the response data into CRM. A link is available to download the response data so it can be loaded into CRM using tools such as DataLoader after resolving the errors. The data is provided in a zip file containing a CSV file for the Survey_Target_vod and Question_Response_vod objects.
  • When this type of error occurs, the submission confirmation message displays in the Survey iFrame
  • When loading the response data into CRM using DataLoader, the Upsert option should be used to avoid creating duplicate records
  • When performing the Upsert into the Question_Response_vod object using DataLoader, the External_ID_vod field on the Survey_Target_vod object does not auto-match in the Mapping Dialog. This field-to-column mapping needs to be done manually.

The Survey Administration page displays the last seven days of errors received by the Survey iFrame.