Assigning a Call Objective to a Suggestion

  • iPad
  • Browser

To assign a Call Objective action to a Suggestion, populate the Record_Type_Name_vod field Call_Objective_vod.

The Call Objective action creates Call Objectives using the following field mapping:





Title_vod (first 80 characters)














Ensure the Accounts and Suggestions initial configurations are complete to use this functionality.

Using Call Objectives for Suggestions

If the Call_Objective_From_Date_vod and Call_Objective_To_Date_vod values on the Suggestion_vod object are blank, the Call Objective defaults to today’s date plus three months.

When the Suggestion_vod object Record_Type_Name_vod equals Call_Objective_vod and Call_Objective_Record_Type_vod equals Suggestion_vod, selecting the execution icon displays a confirmation that the user wants to create Call Objectives and creates the Call Objectives using the Suggestion_vod record type.

If the Suggestion has a CLM presentation associated with it, the Suggestion_vod object Record_Type_Name_vod equals Call_Objective_vod, and the Call_Objective_Record_Type_vod field value equals CLM_vod, selecting the execution icon creates a Call Objective using the CLM_vod record type. The user is prompted with a message indicating a Call Objective was created.

When the Suggestion type is Call_Objective_vod, the Call_Objective_Record_Type_vod field on the Suggestion_vod object cannot be null.

When the CLM Call Objective is created, if the user does not have access to the Status_vod__c field, the system looks for the CLM Presentation record where Presentation_ID_vod__c = Call_Objective_CLM_ID_vod.

If the user does have access to the Status_vod__c field, then the system looks for a CLM Presentation where Presentation_ID_vod__c = Call_Objective_CLM_ID_vod AND Status_vod__c = Approved_vod first.

If a CLM presentation does not exist, the system looks for the CLM Presentation record where Presentation_ID_vod__c AND Call_Objective_CLM_ID_vod AND Status_vod__c = <blank>. Otherwise, a CLM Call Objective is not created and a message displays.

All Suggestions with record type of Call_Objective_vod for a single account are grouped with one execution icon. The action indicator displays the number of actions in the group.

Individual Call Objective records are created for each Suggestion in the group, but only one action icon displays.

In some scenarios, a valid CLM Call Objective is created from a Suggestion but does not display on the Home page's Call Objective list. This happens when a CLM Call Objective points to any of the following:

  • A hidden presentation
  • A training presentation
  • A presentation with a start date in the future
  • A presentation with an end date in the past
  • A presentation with an "expired" status in Vault
  • A presentation with a Key Message associated to a restricted Product
  • A presentation with a Key Message associated to a Product not listed as an Allowed Product
  • A presentation with a Key Message associated to a Product that is part of a Detail Group, but the Detail Group listed is incorrect
  • A presentation with a Key Message associated to a Product not assigned to the user in My Setup
  • A presentation with a Key Message with a different Segment than the Account
  • A presentation with a Key Message containing an incorrectly packaged Key Message
  • A presentation with a Key Message that contains no CLM Presentation Slides

In these cases, the CLM Call Objective is valid because the presentation exists, but the user cannot view the presentation as the CLM Call Objective does not display on the Home page.

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