Selecting Sample Recipients on Standard Group Calls

  • Browser
  • CRM Desktop (Mac (Sandbox Beta),Windows)
  • iPad
  • iPhone

Selecting a sample recipient enables users to record important information about disbursements when there are several HCPs on a call, without needing to create additional call reports. On standard group calls, users must select a single recipient for samples, BRCs, alternative samples, and high value promotional items.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

Selecting Sample Recipients on Standard Group Calls

On standard group calls, samples, BRCs, alternative samples, and high value promotional items must be applied to a single attendee. All samples, BRCs, alternative samples, and high value promotional items recorded on the call report are associated with the selected attendee.

On unique activities group calls, users record disbursements on attendee child call reports. This allows users to disburse samples to multiple HCPs on the same call report, and supports sampling for attendees with different sample statuses. For more information on unique activities group calls, see Capturing Unique Information on Group Call Attendees.

Platform Specific Details


To designate an attendee as the sample recipient on the Browser platform, select the appropriate attendee from the Sample Recipient picklist in the Attendees section of the call report.

CRM Desktop (Mac, Windows), iPad, iPhone

To designate an attendee as the sample recipient on the CRM Desktop (Mac, Windows), iPad, and iPhone platforms, select the sample icon next to the account name in the Attendees section of the call report. The icon only displays for accounts which are eligible for sampling.

To change the sample recipient for samples, BRCs, and alternative samples, users can swap the signee on the signature page or create a new call against the desired account.

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