DCR Attachments

  • Browser
  • iPad

DCR Attachments streamline the Data Change Request (DCR) process for sales representatives by allowing them to attach supporting documents to their requests, which may help verify the changes which are being requested.

DCR Attachments allow users to upload documents; for example business card images, screenshots of HCP listings on hospital websites, or photos of the HCP's practice location. By including this supporting evidence, DCRs are more likely to be approved, saving valuable time and effort for both sales and data management teams.

Supported Entry Points

DCR attachments are supported when users select New or Edit from the following entry points:

  • My Accounts and the Account Details page
  • Global Account Search
  • Network Account Search
  • Address related list on Account Details
  • Member of/Members related list on Account Details
  • Call License Update
  • Approved Email
  • Consent Capture

Configuring DCR Attachments

Ensure initial configuration is complete before enabling this functionality.

To enable this feature: 

  1. Grant Integration users access to the Attachment_Status_vod field on the Data_Change_Request_vod object.

  2. Enable the DATA_CHANGE_REQUEST_ATTACHMENTS_vod Veeva Setting.

  3. Verify the user is a Lightning Experience User.

  4. Ensure the following apex classes are enabled for the correct profiles.
    • VeevaAccountBrowse
    • VeevaOrgConfigurationService
  5. Configure the Files related list on the DCR Header page layout (Browser platform) to display the attached files. (Optional)
  6. Update the Data_Change_Request_vod VMOC (iPad platform) with "Include Attachment"=True, and add the Attachment related list, if end users would like to view the attached files on the iPad platform. (Optional)

    Offline devices do not support the Files related list. The files are displayed in the Attachments related list offline.

  7. Verify the user profile has Chatter enabled if they organization uses Chatter.

  8. Add the Attachments related list to the DCR page layout record if you want users to see attachments that were submitted for a DCR. (Optional)

The following DCR configurations are supported:

DCR Configuration

Veeva Common Settings

Data Change Request Mode

(DCR Mode)

Network Settings

Network Customer Master Mode

(NCM Mode)

Decoupled DCRs (without Network)



DCRs with Network 1 1

Decoupled unverified DCRs

(mini sync)



Unverified DCRs with Network

(mini sync)

2 1

Using DCR Attachments

End users can upload a supporting attachment when creating a DCR for a new account, address, or child account, or when creating a DCR for updates to an existing account. The Attachment section displays below the Notes section on the DCR Header.

When the Account Preview During Creation Veeva Setting and Network Setting are enabled, the upload attachment button displays on the Account preview page (Browser) or the DCR modal on the Account Preview page (iPad).

Adding a DCR Attachment

To add an attachment to a DCR:

  1. Select the Plus button on the DCR.
  2. Select Upload Photo to open the camera (iPad only) or Upload File to open the file selection dialog.

    Up to three files can be attached to a DCR. The maximum file size is 10MB per uploaded file.

    The PHOTO_QUALITY_vod and Camera_Roll_vod Veeva Settings are respected, and may impact image quality and the ability to upload photos.

  3. Enter up to 1,000 characters in the Description field. (Optional).
  4. Select Submit when all information for the DCR is entered.

For organizations using Network, attachments are sent to the Network as part of the DCR so that data stewards can view the attachments when validating the request.

Only photo file types will be accepted by Veeva Network. Other file types should not be attached to DCRs.

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