Capturing Remote Signatures for Sampling in Engage Meeting

  • CRM Desktop (Mac, Windows)
  • iPad

Remote signature capture allows for sampling from Engage. Users can sample BRCs via the call report and capture a signature while in the Engage meeting. This extends the user’s ability to provide samples to HCPs without needing a face-to-face meeting.

Considerations for Remote Signature Capture for Sampling in Engage

  • Supported only when hosting an active remote meeting from the iPad or CRM Desktop (Mac, Windows)
  • Samples can only be of product type BRC. If the user selects a Sample other than BRC, an error message displays when trying to capture the signature.
  • CRM Desktop (Windows) users can only send a remote signature request during an Engage meeting
  • Remote signature capture is only supported for person calls and unique activity calls
  • Attendees must be using the Veeva Engage app on a 201.9.0 version or later
  • Attendees joining via the Web Client must use Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge Chromium
  • HCPS are able to receive signature requests on Web Client, iOS, and Android HCP apps

See Capturing Signatures on the Call Report for more information about capturing signatures.


Configuring Signature Capture for Sampling using Engage

To enable this feature:

  1. Grant all users FLS edit to the Signature_Captured_Remotely_vod field on the following objects:
  • Call2_vod

  • Sample_Order_Transaction_vod

  • Sample_Order_Transaction_Audit_vod

  1. Grant all users FLS edit to the Remote_Signature_Attendee_Name_vod field on the Call2_vod object. With FLS edit permission, the call stamps with the name of the attendee entered when joining the remote meeting.

Using Signature Capture for Sampling in Engage

To capture a remote signature, iPad CRM users (hosts) need to do the following:

  1. Select the Signature button from the call report.
  2. Use the Signature Setup page and select Remote as the Signature Method. If the marketing banner is configured for the in-person signature page, it is available for the host to select.

    The marketing banner must be less than 1 MB in size. See Displaying a Marketing Banner for information.

  3. Select the disclaimer text language and indicate if the HCP wants to receive a receipt for the BRC request. This step is only available if Displaying Country-Specific Disclaimers is enabled.

  4. Use the Receipt picklist to select the email address the receipt should be sent to. This picklist only displays if Approved Email Receipts for Signature Transactions are enabled.

  5. Select Request Signature.
  6. Select the appropriate attendee. This step only displays if multiple attendees are using the same Engage meeting ID as the selected account.

A Requesting modal with a spinner displays to the meeting host until the HCP sends their signature back to the host.

To capture a signature, HCPs need to do the following after the signature page launches on their screen:

  1. Review the request details including the HCP’s license information, requested BRC samples, shipping address, and disclaimer.
  2. Sign in the Signature box.
  3. Select Accept to send the signature. The Signature page becomes locked and the signature is sent to the meeting host for review.

A confirmation message displays to the meeting host indicating receipt of the HCP’s signature. The meeting host can review and accept the signature. When the host selects Accept, all fields are stamped, consistent with an in-person signature capture, and the Signature_Captured_Remotely_vod field sets to True on the following objects:

  • Call2_vod
  • Sample_Order_Transaction_vod
  • Sample_Order_Transaction_Audit_vod

The following Signature Location fields are not stamped:

  • Signature_Location_Latitude_vod
  • Signature_Location_Longitude_vod

Connectivity/Timing Scenarios

Losing connectivity from the meeting during the remote signature request process:

  • If either the host or HCP loses connection after the host receives a signature from the HCP on their device, the host can still accept the signature
  • If the host’s connectivity is lost before receipt of the HCP’s signature, the host needs to re-initiate the remote signature request

Capturing Remote Signatures for Sampling in a Unique Activity Call

Engage hosts can remotely capture a sample signature from a child call created from a Unique Activity group call, granting hosts more flexibility when planning, scheduling, and executing Engage meetings when a sample is requested.


This feature supports only Unique Activity child calls. It does not support Unique Activity parent calls or other business account calls.


  • Unique Activities
  • The --rem section signal must be enabled for the call record type used for Unique Activities

Sending Remote Signature Requests to Unique Activity Child Calls

To send a Remote Signature Request:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Unique Activity child call.
  2. Follow the process described in the Using Signature Capture for Sampling in Engage section for the Unique Activity child call.

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