Contract Lifecycle

Contract Activation

Contracts are attached to Accounts via Contract Partner records. Once associated to an account, contracts can be linked to orders and inventory monitoring for that account.

By default, the Contract status is set to Draft_vod. Clicking Activate on the Contract detail page, changes the status to Activated_vod. Contracts must be activated to be associated to Orders or Inventory Monitoring.

Contracts must be activated before users can capture signatures on Contract Partner records.

Contract Line

By default, Contract Lines can only be created through the related list on the detail page of an unlocked Contract. Contract Lines inherit the record type of the Contract.

Product Selection on Contract Lines

For Sales_vod and Listing_vod Contract Lines record types:

  • Only one Contract Line can exist per product per contract (i.e. 2 Contract Lines for the same Contract cannot lookup Cholecap).

For Sales_vod Contract Lines:

  • Product selected must be of type Order, Product Group, or Detail. User can also leave the product lookup blank.

If users define a Contract Line without a Product, achievement totals for the Contact Line are calculated by summing all Orders for the Account within the validity period.

For Listing_vod Contract Lines:

  • Product selected must be of type Inventory Monitoring
  • Listing contract lines must be associated with a product

Locking a Contract

All three Contracts objects have Lock_vod and Override_Lock_vod fields.

Contract and associated Contract Line records have Lock_vod enabled when a contract is Activated.

When a Contract is locked:

  • The edit and delete buttons do not display
  • All fields on the record are in read-only mode
  • Contract Lines CANNOT be added through UI or dataloader
  • Notes and Attachments CAN still be added
  • Contract Partners CAN still be added

If Contracts are dataloaded with a status of Activated, the Lock_vod field is set by a trigger. If Contract Lines are dataloaded and the associated Contract is Activated, the Lock_vod field is enabled.

When a Contract Partner record is locked:

  • The edit and delete buttons do not display
  • All fields on the record are in read-only mode
  • Activate and Sign buttons do not display
  • Notes and Attachments CAN still be added

The Override_Lock_vod field is to support updating locked records via a trigger or other back-office processes. If the Override_Lock_vod is enabled, the value of Lock_vod is ignored. Back-office processes using this field should be enabled at the start of a transaction, and then disabled when the transaction is complete.

Contract Partner Activation

Contract Partner records can be created online via the Contract Partner related list on the Contract or Account detail pages. On CRM for iPad, Contract Partner records can only be created via the Contract Partner related list on the Account page. When Contract Partner records are created, their default status is Saved_vod. Before associating a contract with an order or inventory monitoring for an account, you must activate the Contract Partner record.

If only the Acceptance_ID_vod is on the Contract_Partner_vod page layout, it must be populated for activation. If only the Signature_Datetime_vod is on the Contract_Partner_vod page layout, you must capture a signature prior to activation.

When the Signature_Datetime_vod field is populated on the Contract Partner detail page, the Edit button is removed. If there is a sync error, the Edit button is available from the sync error page. If selected, the edit page follows the user's page layout but the following fields are locked:

  • Disclaimer_vod
  • Acknowledgement_vod



The Signee_vod field is also locked if it has data. If it is blank, it can still be edited.

Signatures can only be captured offline. If both the Acceptance_ID_vod and Signature_Datetime_vod fields are on the page layout, you must enter either an acceptance number or a signature to activate a contract partner. If neither Acceptance_ID_vod nor Signature_Datetime_vod fields are on the page layout, the user can activate the record without capturing either, assuming the user has base configurations to perform this action. These include:

  1. Edit permission to Contract_Partner_vod
  2. FLS edit to Lock_vod on Contract Partner_vod
  3. FLS to Status_vod on Contract Partner

The Activate button can also be added or removed from the Contract Partner page layout, depending on which users have the ability to activate these records.

Users are only able to capture signatures if the Contract status is Activated and the Contract Partner status is not Activated.

Associating Contracts to Orders and Inventory Monitoring

Users can associate a Contract to an Order:

  • The Order has a look up to a Contract
  • Users can only select valid Contracts for which the account is a valid Contract Partner

In multi-currency orgs, contracts with other currencies for selection display when capturing an Order.

If the user populates the Contract_vod lookup on Order_vod:

  • Any pricing rule look up to the same contract is applied to the order unless the order also looks up an Order Campaign
  • If the Contract is Product Bound, only products which have corresponding Contract Lines can be added as Order Lines
  • When viewing Order Lines,  corresponding Contract Lines for the same product display
  • It is possible to pull in custom fields on the Order header from the Contract header using the zvod_C_{field name}_vod__c naming convention
  • Any custom zvod fields on the Order_vod object get stamped with their corresponding values from the Contract_vod record

Users can associate a Contract to Inventory Monitoring:

  • Inventory Monitoring has a lookup to Contract
  • Users can only select valid Contracts for which the account is a valid Contract Partner.
  • Contracts of type Sales are filtered out of the picklist

If the user populates the Contract_vod lookup on Inventory_Monitoring_vod:

  • If the Contract is Product Bound, only products which have corresponding Contract Lines can be added as Inventory Monitoring Lines
  • It is possible to pull in custom fields on the IM header from the Contract header using the zvod_C_{field name}_vod__c naming convention. Instructions for configuring zvod pull in fields can be found on the Configuring Contracts page.