Components of Call Sampling

Sample Management

Call Sampling relies on Samples Management for license and address validation, sample limit enforcement, inventory management, and compliant record keeping. When a user records sample disbursements on the call report, Samples Management functionality enables automatic verification of the account’s eligibility to receive the specific sample products selected. See Sample Management Overview for more information on the module’s features and core components.

Call Sampling Objects

Address (Address_vod)

When a user selects an account for sampling, validation is performed against the address and license information stored on this object.

Call (Call2_vod )

The Call object stores the sample card information, shipping address, and signature data for samples recorded on a call.

Call Sample (Call2_Sample_vod)

The Call Sample object stores information for the sample products, custom items, or promotional items recorded on a call—for example, the product and quantity, state or DEA license information, sample send status, and any state or country level restrictions.

Product Catalog (Product_vod)

The Product Catalog stores product information for all detail and sample products. In order to select a sample product on the call report, users must have access to the corresponding record in the product catalog.

Sample Inventory (Sample_Inventory_vod)

The Sample Inventory object contains the header record for a user’s physical inventory of sample lots. See Components of Sample Management for more information on the object and its subcomponents.

Sample Limit (Sample_Limit_vod)

The Sample Limit object stores information on any sample limits defined by administrators. See Components of Sample Management for more information on defining and enforcing limits on sample quantities.

Sample Lot (Sample_Lot_vod)

The Sample Lot object stores the lot numbers for sample products. In order to disburse a product, users must have access to the corresponding Sample Lot record. See Components of Sample Management for more information on the object and its subcomponents.

Sample Order Transaction (Sample_Order_Transaction_vod)

The Sample Order Transaction object maintains and controls all transactional data related to sample orders, BRCs, and sample requests. If a sample order is updated or deleted, the change is automatically recorded on the Sample Order Transaction Audit object (Sample_Order_Transaction_Audit_vod).

Samples State Settings (Samples_State_Settings_vod)

The Samples State Settings object stores information on state sampling restrictions for controlled substances. For each state, admins can create a record on the object to restrict sampling entirely for controlled substances, allow sample requests/BRCs only, or allow hand sample disbursements only. If there are no Samples State Settings records for a state, then all delivery options are allowed.

The Samples State Settings object also enables validation of state distributor licenses for dangerous pharmaceutical products, eliminating the need to manually validate license information (see Supporting State Distributor License Validation for more information).

Sample Transaction (Sample_Transaction_vod)

The Sample Transaction object stores all transactional data related to samples—for example, information on sample disbursements, adjustments, transfers, and returns. If a sample transaction is updated or deleted, the change is automatically recorded on the Sample Transaction Audit object (Sample_Transaction_Audit_vod). See Components of Sample Management for more information on the object.