Salesforce and CRM Setup
Creating a Salesforce Connected App
To create a new connected app:
- Navigate to Setup>App Setup>Create>Apps>Connected Apps.
Enter the Basic Information:
- Connected App Name - Approved WeChat
- API Name: Approved_WeChat_vod
Enable OAuth Settings:
- Select the Enable OAuth Setting check box.
- In the Callback URL field enter one of the following URLs:
- Sandbox:
- Production:
- Select OAuth Scopes:
- Access your basic information (id, profile, email, address, phone)
- Access and manage your data (api)
- Provide access to your data via the Web (web)
- Provide access to custom applications (visualforce)
- Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
- Allow access to your unique identifier (openid)
- Access custom permissions (custom_permissions)
- Select Save.
- View the newly created app and take note of the Consumer Key and Secret.
Remote Site Setting
- Navigate to Setup>Security Controls>Remote Site Settings.
Add a new remote site:
- Name: Approved_WeChat.
- Remote Site URL:
- Sandbox:
- Production:
Trusted IP Range
- Navigate to Setup>Security Controls>Network Access.
Add a new trusted IP range.
Contact the project implementation team for more details.
Configure WeChat Connection in Veeva CRM Org
Company Administrators need to configure a new Veeva CRM org for the Approved WeChat Application in the Approved Messaging Administration Console Tab.
- Navigate to Veeva CRM Connection Management.
- Maintain the system credentials with the WeChat integration admin user.
Navigate to the WeChat Connection Management section, and enter the appropriate information for the following:
- Salesforce Consumer Key
- Salesforce Secret
- Salesforce Endpoint:
- Sandbox:
- Production:
- WeChat Corporate ID
- WeChat Secret
- WeChat Agent Number
- WeChat Token
- WeChat Encoding AES Key
Enabling Multichannel Consent for WeCom
Approved WeChat uses Veeva Multichannel Consent model and process to manage HCP subscriptions and opt-ins for receiving Approved WeChat content through Tencent WeCom.
In addition to the following configuration steps, Consent Capture can be configured to access this feature. See Consent Capture for more information.
Creating Content Type Records
Approved WeChat uses the Consent_Type_vod object to model WeChat as a channel for HCP engagement and consent. The Content_Type_vod object is also used to track HCP subscription to individual WeChat Service Accounts as a distinct opt-in record.
To create these records:
- Create a tab for the Content_Type_vod object.
Create a Content_Type_vod record for the WeChat channel with the following information:
- Record type - WeChat_vod
Consent Header
- Consent Types
- Create consent type with Approved WeChat disclaimer.
- Unchecked Signature Capture.
- Enter the appropriate disclaimer text in Disclaimer Text field
Create additional Content_Type_vod records for each Service Account with the following information:
- Record type: WeChat_WeChatWork_vod
- Service Account name
- WeChat Service Account App Id
Create a Consent Type Record for WeChat Channel
Approved WeChat utilizes the Consent_Type_vod object in Veeva Multichannel Consent to model WeChat as a channel for HCP engagement and consent.
Administrator needs to create one Consent_Type_vod record for Approved WeChat and include the following information: