SAP Concur Real-Time Administration Tab

The SAP Concur Real-Time Administration tab is used to manage the integration. This page consists of three sections:

  • Connection Status – Used view connection status and to navigate to the SAP Concur Admin tab. From there, administrators can enter and review the OAuth Configurations, configuration Parameters, and User Field Mappings.
  • Expense Field Mappings - Used to control the mapping between Veeva CRM fields and SAP Concur fields. Administrators can select the Default Expense Type under the Expense Configuration Parameters subsection.
  • SAP Concur Real-Time Sync History – View and download expenses submitted to SAP Concur as well as review the submission status of expenses

Administrators can review the field mappings between Veeva CRM and SAP Concur. The default mappings are as follows:

Mapping Type Veeva Object Veeva Field SAP Concur Field
Expense Header to Expense Entry Concur_Settings_vod Expense_Header_Expense_Type_Code_vod ExpenseTypeCode
Payment_Type_vod PaymentTypeID
Expense_Header_vod Transaction_Date_vod TransactionDate
Actual_vod TransactionAmount
Event_vod Name, Incurred_Expense_vod, TransactionDate_vod Description
Organization DefaultCurrencyIsoCode TransactionCurrencyCode
Expense Line to Itemization Expense_Line_vod Expense_Type_Code_vod ExpenseTypeCode
Description_vod Description






All default mappings can be overridden using custom mappings.

For Multicurrency Orgs, the TransactionCurrencyCode field is mapped to the Currency field on the Expense_Header_vod object. This mapping cannot be set at the Expense Line level.

If the Incurred_Expense_vod field is not populated, it is skipped when mapping to the Description SAP Concur Field.

Custom field mappings are created by populating the bottom row of the appropriate table with the appropriate SAP Concur Field and the Veeva Field. Administrators may add up to 40 additional custom field mappings for Expense Header to Expense Entry mappings using the Expense_Header_vod object, as well as 40 additional custom field mappings for Expense Line to Itemization Mappings using the Expense_Line_vod object.

Custom mappings cannot concatenate multiple Veeva CRM fields. To combine field values in a custom mapping, create a new formula field to evaluate the appropriate expression, then map that field to Concur.

Additionally, Administrators can map Veeva fields related to expenses to SAP Concur Attendees. Each entry mapping must have a corresponding AttendeeTypeCode. This value indicates the AttendeeTypeCode from SAP Concur. The default mappings are as follows:

Attendee Type Veeva Object Veeva Field SAP Concur Field
User User id ExternalID
FirstName FirstName
LastName LastName
Account Account id ExternalID
FirstName FirstName
LastName LastName




id ExternalID
FirstName FirstName
LastName LastName
Write-In Team Member


Write-In Team Member


id ExternalID
FirstName FirstName
LastName LastName

Write-In Attendee


Write-In Attendee


id ExternalID
FirstName FirstName
LastName LastName
Write-In Speaker


Write-In Speaker


id ExternalID
FirstName FirstName
LastName LastName

If an HCO is selected as the Attendee on an expense, it has the AttendeeTypeCode HCO and maps the FirstName and LastName SAP Concur fields to Admin.

If a Group is selected as the Attendee on an expense, it uses the same AttendeeTypeCode as defined in the User attendee type mapping and creates an Attendee in SAP Concur with a FirstName and LastName of “Admin”.

If there is a global external ID used for HCPs, Veeva recommends overriding the out-of-the-box external ID mapping to use the global external ID.

Administrators can also add up to 25 additional Attendee custom field mappings by populating the bottom row of the appropriate table with the appropriate SAP Concur Field and Veeva Field. Custom mappings use the same object as the rest of the table as the source for the field.

Up to five custom field mappings can be created to map Expense Attribution to Expense Entry Attendee using the Expense_Attribution_vod object by populating the bottom row of the appropriate table with the appropriate SAP Concur Field and Veeva Field.