Account Lists and Views

  • Android
  • iPad
  • iPhone
  • Browser

Users have two main ways to organize accounts: lists and views. Accounts can be grouped into lists for organization. These lists can be integrated into the My Accounts tab, allowing users to view, create, or manage their lists. Account views typically display along with account lists and are defined using criteria on five objects:

  • Accounts_vod
  • Addresses
  • TSF_vod
  • Product_Metrics_vod
  • Dynamic_Attributes_vod

For example, Sarah Jones needs to schedule her calls based on the HCPs’ specialty. To make it easier to find the HCPs, she creates a list based on their specialty.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

Account Lists

Account Lists can be used in the following ways:

  • Organizing accounts
  • Creating lists online and syncing to other devices
  • Displaying different account, address, or TSF-related information for each account in an account list on the Online platforms

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

Account Views

Account views are defined online and change when the supporting data matching the query is modified. These view definitions are stored in the View_vod object.

When creating a view, the user must input query criteria. The values for this criteria are case sensitive.

Only the All Accounts view is supported on Android.

Configuring Account Views

To configure filters for a view:

  1. Select Create New View from the My Accounts screen.
  2. Filter by Record Type, Account Record Ownership, and Preferred Address in the What to Search In section.

    If My Preferred Addresses is selected, the view will only display Address data for the Account's preferred address in the user's territory. Accounts with no preferred address for the territory will appear to have a blank address in the view. If All Addresses is selected or if an account has multiple addresses, the primary address is selected. If there is not a primary address, the first address is selected.

  1. Specify filters based on other criteria in the Search Criteria section.
  2. Select and order the columns to display in the appropriate order.

    Users require at least Read FLS to the fields displayed in the view.

To enable users to download Accounts via Excel or CSV from the My Accounts screen, deselect the Disable_Account_Download_CSV_Excel_vod Veeva Setting check box.

Using Account Lists and Views

My Accounts filtering supports the following data types:

  • Check box
  • Picklist

    When users select filters in the search criteria, up to 1000 picklist options display.

  • Text
  • URL
  • Email
  • Textarea
  • Phone
  • Number
  • Percent
  • Date
  • Multi-select picklist

Account Views can be accessed from the following places: 

  • My Schedule Week View
  • My Schedule Scheduler View
  • My Accounts Classic View
  • My Accounts Table View

The All Accounts view is not customizable. Create a new view to customize the display and include TSF fields or Dynamic Attributes.

Account View Limits

To construct the correct view of data in My Accounts Veeva CRM runs several consecutive queries against various objects. The first, base query (including its sub-queries) is made against the Account object. For performance reasons, this query limits the results to 5000 or fewer account records by default on the Browser platform. If the final View requires an initial, base result set of more than 5000 account records, the final results are subject to truncation. A warning message displays in My Accounts to indicate truncation.

The message displayed when results are truncated is "Results truncated. Please refine view." Users can refine the view criteria to avoid truncated results.

The 5000 record limit is configurable and is applied online only, while having no effect on Veeva CRM mobile platforms. Use the MAX_ACCT_THRESHOLD_vod Veeva Setting to raise the limit above 5,000. Although the value in the Veeva Setting defaults to 1,000, a minimum value of 5,000 is imposed unless the value is increased to a number over 5,000. If you do not modify the setting, there is no change in the behavior of the application.

There are performance implications when raising this limit. Queries of larger sets of data take longer to return results. The decision to raise this limit should be carefully considered.

Platform-Specific Details for Account Lists and Views

Account Lists - CRM for iPad, iPhone

Users can create and manage Account Lists using CRM on mobile devices. Account Lists display from a drop-down list at the top of the My Accounts screen.

Selecting a list name displays the accounts in that list.

Users on the iPad platform can view the Alphabar to navigate to accounts starting with a specific letter if there is at least one account in the list.

To add an Account List, select the Create New List button in the Account Lists section. The Create New List modal dialog displays, allowing the user to enter a list name and select a color. This feature is not available on the iPhone platform.

To delete an Account List, select Edit Lists from the lists drop-down menu to display the Edit Lists screen. Select the delete button next to a list to delete it. This feature is not available on the iPhone platform.

To add an account to a list: 

  1. Open any list the account is a member of.
  2. Choose the Select option at the top of the list to display the Select Accounts screen.
  3. Select the radio button for each account you want to add, and then select Add to List to display the Add to List modal.
  4. Select the list you want to add the account to. If the account is not already in that Account List, the number of accounts will increment by one.

To delete an account from an Account List:

  1. Select a list name to show the accounts contained within the list.
  2. Choose the Select option at the top of the list to display the Select Accounts screen. Select the radio button for each account you want to delete, and select Remove at the bottom of the screen.

Applying a View as a List

The views contained in My Accounts are used to apply a filtered list of Accounts to a custom object. For example, adding a list of Accounts as attendees of a medical event.

The generic MyAccountsTemplateLgtnVod Visualforce page provides a template defining how to configure the functionality.

For information on switching between account lists and account views, see Moving Between Account Lists and Account Views