Moving Between Account Lists and Account Views

  • iPad
  • iPhone

Users with access to Account Lists can move between Account Views and Account Lists. Views are also available for selection as a filter on CRM for iPad’s Call Schedulers, simplifying the search process when planning Calls. There is no support for creating, editing, or deleting views offline.

Configuring Moving Between Account Lists and Account Views

To enable this feature: 

  1. Grant users Read permission to the View_vod object. This configuration also displays the All Accounts option in the View section.
  2. Ensure the appropriate user profiles have an active VMOC record for the View_vod object.

Using Moving Between Account Lists and Account Views

Account Hierarchy drill-through users can navigate to the account hierarchy directly from a My Accounts list. If a business account has at least one child account, a hierarchy button displays in the Account row under More Actions.

Selecting the hierarchy button opens a pop-up window listing the immediate child accounts of the selected account. If a listed child account has child accounts of its own, a Detail Disclosure button displays on the far right side of the list item. Selecting the Detail Disclosure button navigates one level down in the hierarchy. A search box at the top of the window allows users to use a type-ahead search to filter the current level of the hierarchy. Each child account also has a New Call button and a Launch Media button to make it easy for a user to create a call or launch into the media player directly from the hierarchy pop-up window.