Call Reporting Platforms

This topics illustrates which call reporting features are supported on the various Veeva CRM platforms.

General Features

Feature Browser

CRM Desktop (Mac)

(Sandbox Beta)

CRM Desktop (Windows) iPad iPhone
Add New Address
Allowed Products (TSF)

Allowed Products (Call)
Auto-Populating the Call Channel
Auto Sync After Capturing Acknowledgment of Content (AOC)
Attaching Expense Receipts for Call Reporting with SAP Concur

Capturing the Call Date Only

Capturing Signatures for Call Acknowledgment

Capturing GPS Coordinates on the Call Report

Capturing GPS Coordinates from CLM

Capturing Unique Information on Group Call Attendees

Call Address Dependency

Call Expenses
Call Location
Call Location Stamping
Call Objective Messages
Call Reporting with Child Accounts
Call Reporting with Events
Controlled Substance Sampling
Configuring Call Report Expense for SAP Concur
Custom Call Report Buttons
Deselecting CLM Product Details on the Call Report
Default Call Record Type by Account Record Type
Deleting or Archiving Calls
Displaying Additional Information on the Call Report
Displaying Cycle Plan Products on the Call Report
Displaying MyInsights Content on the Call Report
Filtered Account Lookups on Call
Filtered Medical Event Lookup on Call
Followup Activities (Create new)
Followup Activities (View and edit)

High Performance Call Report

Hiding the Submit Button Online

Limiting Call Backdating
Limiting Past Call Submission

Maintaining Separate Call and Signature Datetimes

Marketing Banner on Signature Page
--nap (No New Address for Person Accounts)
--nab (No New Address for Business Accounts)
Recording Call Expenses in Multiple Currencies
Restrict Calls by Account Record Type
Restricting Calls by Account

Restricting Call Channels

Restricted Products (Account)

Requiring Medical Discussions on the Call Report

Requiring Users to Select a Call Address

Sample Limit Merges

Saving a Call Report

Selecting a Call Address

Selecting a Call Channel
Selecting a Call Datetime

Selecting a Territory

Selecting Call Report Record Types

Stamping Suggestion Title and Reason on the Call Report

Submitting a Call Report
Suggested Product Detailing Priority

Syncing Parent and Child Call Datetimes

Territory Selection
User Lookups

Unlocking Submitted Calls

Using Action Items on the Call Report
Using Pre-Call Notes and Next-Call Notes
Viewing Account Identifiers in Call Location

Viewing Custom Fields in the Cycle Plan Target Popup

Viewing Survey Targets on the Call Report

More Actions

Feature Browser

CRM Desktop (Mac)

(Sandbox Beta)

CRM Desktop (Windows) iPad iPhone
Using the More Actions Button
Creating Orders
New Inventory Monitoring
New Medical Inquiry
Send Approved Email


Feature Browser

CRM Desktop (Mac)

(Sandbox Beta)

CRM Desktop (Windows) iPad iPhone
Adding Call Attendees

--ao (Attendees Optional)

--asf (Attendee Specific Fields)
--atf (Attendee Target Filter)
Contacts as attendees
Create new contacts
--ns (No Samples)
--nnc (No New Contacts)
--paa (Person Account Attendees)
Other Attendees (SAP Concur)
--su (Search Users)

Product Details

Feature Browser

CRM Desktop (Mac)

(Sandbox Beta)

CRM Desktop (Windows) iPad iPhone
Detailing Products on the Call Report
Detail Groups and Detail Topics
--htp (Highlight Target Products)
My Setup Favorites
--rd(Require Details)
--sd (Sign for Details)

Product Discussions

Feature Browser

CRM Desktop (Mac)

(Sandbox Beta)

CRM Desktop (Windows) iPad iPhone
Capturing Product Discussions on the Call Report
Account Tactics
Dependent Picklists based on Product
Filtering of Medical Events based on Attendees
Maximum of Five Product Discussions
Product Strategies
Product Tactics
Selection of Medical Events

Key Messages

Feature Browser

CRM Desktop (Mac)

(Sandbox Beta)

CRM Desktop (Windows) iPad iPhone
Using Key Messages on the Call Report
--cat (Categories)
--ded (Disable eDetail Delete)
Custom Reactions
Targeting Key Messages to Accounts


Feature Browser

CRM Desktop (Mac)

(Sandbox Beta)

CRM Desktop (Windows) iPad iPhone
Marketing Banner
Recapture Signatures
Signature Lock
Signature Location
Signature Length Restriction
Signature to Confirm Call
Swapping the Signee