CRM Data Engine Dictionary
- Table Name: compass_total_treatments_monthly_summary_hcp__v
- Table Name: compass_total_treatments_monthly_summary_product__v
- Table Name: compass_new_patients_monthly_summary_hcp__v
- Table Name: compass_new_patients_monthly_summary_product__v
- Table Name: compass_diagnosed_patients__v
Table Name: compass_total_treatments_monthly_summary_hcp__v
Column Name | Description | Example | Type |
__time | The calculation date. Store when the record was generated based on the pre-aggregation | 2023-07-30T00:00:00.000Z | timestamp |
transaction_year__v | transaction year | 2022 | varchar |
transaction_month__v | transaction month | 2 | varchar |
transaction_date__v | transaction date (always 1st date of the year & month) | 2022-02-01 | date |
territory_id__v | CRM Territory ID | 0MI7F000000PjYxWAK | varchar |
territory_name__v | CRM Territory Name | T101 | varchar |
account_id__v | CRM Account Id | 0017F00000pnNknQAE | varchar |
hcp_vid__v | Veeva ID for rendering HCP | 243190890074473000 | varchar |
npi__v | Rendering Provider ID, i.e. prescription written, procedure performed, diagnosis made. | 1699702993 | varchar |
product_name__v | Product brand name | Cholecap | varchar |
analytics_product_group_id__v | CRM Analytics Product Group Id | a107F00000751OqQAI | varchar |
company_product_group__v | Company Product Flag | TRUE | varchar |
market_id__v | CRM Analytics Market Id | a1D7F0000094C5AUAU | varchar |
value__v | Summary of the monthly total treatments | 12 | number |
previous_value__v | Summary of the previous month total treatments | 11 | number |
month_over_month_growth__v | Growth ratio between value__v and previous_value__v | 9.1 | decimal |
Table Name: compass_total_treatments_monthly_summary_product__v
Column Name | Description | Example | Type |
__time | The calculation date. Store when the record was generated based on the pre-aggregation | 2023-07-30T00:00:00.000Z | timestamp |
transaction_year__v | transaction year | 2022 | varchar |
transaction_month__v | transaction month | 2 | varchar |
transaction_date__v | transaction date (always 1st date of the year & month) | 2022-02-01 | date |
territory_id__v | CRM Territory ID | 0MI7F000000PjYxWAK | varchar |
territory_name__v | CRM Territory Name | T101 | varchar |
product_name__v | Product brand name | Cholecap | varchar |
analytics_product_group_id__v | CRM Analytics Product Group Id | a107F00000751OqQAI | varchar |
company_product_group__v | Company Product Flag | TRUE | varchar |
market_id__v | CRM Analytics Market Id | a1D7F0000094C5AUAU | varchar |
value__v | Summary of the monthly total treatments | 12 | number |
previous_value__v | Summary of the previous month total treatments | 11 | number |
month_over_month_growth__v | Growth ratio between value__v and previous_value__v | 9.1 | decimal |
Table Name: compass_new_patients_monthly_summary_hcp__v
Column Name | Description | Example | Type |
__time | The calculation date. Store when the record was generated based on the pre-aggregation | 2023-07-30T00:00:00.000Z | timestamp |
transaction_year__v | transaction year | 2022 | varchar |
transaction_month__v | transaction month | 2 | varchar |
transaction_date__v | transaction date (always 1st date of the year & month) | 2022-02-01 | date |
territory_id__v | CRM Territory ID | 0MI7F000000PjYxWAK | varchar |
territory_name__v | CRM Territory Name | T101 | varchar |
account_id__v | CRM Account Id | 0017F00000pnNknQAE | varchar |
hcp_vid__v | Veeva ID for rendering HCP | 243190890074473000 | varchar |
npi__v | Rendering Provider ID, i.e. prescription written, procedure performed, diagnosis made. | 1699702993 | varchar |
product_name__v | Product brand name | Cholecap | varchar |
analytics_product_group_id__v | CRM Analytics Product Group Id | a107F00000751OqQAI | varchar |
company_product_group__v | Company Product Flag | TRUE | varchar |
market_id__v | CRM Analytics Market Id | a1D7F0000094C5AUAU | varchar |
value__v | Summary of the monthly new patients | 12 | number |
previous_value__v | Summary of the previous month new patients | 11 | number |
month_over_month_growth__v | Growth ratio between value__v and previous_value__v | 9.1 | decimal |
Table Name: compass_new_patients_monthly_summary_product__v
Column Name | Description | Example | Type |
__time | The calculation date. Store when the record was generated based on the pre-aggregation | 2023-07-30T00:00:00.000Z | timestamp |
transaction_year__v | transaction year | 2022 | varchar |
transaction_month__v | transaction month | 2 | varchar |
transaction_date__v | transaction date (always 1st date of the year & month) | 2022-02-01 | date |
territory_id__v | CRM Territory ID | 0MI7F000000PjYxWAK | varchar |
territory_name__v | CRM Territory Name | T101 | varchar |
product_name__v | Product brand name | Cholecap | varchar |
analytics_product_group_id__v | CRM Analytics Product Group Id | a107F00000751OqQAI | varchar |
company_product_group__v | Company Product Flag | TRUE | varchar |
market_id__v | CRM Analytics Market Id | a1D7F0000094C5AUAU | varchar |
value__v | Summary of the monthly new patients | 12 | number |
previous_value__v | Summary of the previous month new patients | 11 | number |
month_over_month_growth__v | Growth ratio between value__v and previous_value__v | 9.1 | decimal |
Table Name: compass_diagnosed_patients__v
Column Name | Description | Example | Type |
__time | The calculation date. Store when the record was generated based on the pre-aggregation | 2023-07-30T00:00:00.000Z | timestamp |
transaction_year__v | transaction year | 2022 | Int |
transaction_month__v | transaction month | 2 | Int |
transaction_date__v | transaction date (date of the diagnosis) | 2022-02-01 | date |
ta1__v | Primary, broadest, therapeutic area of the product. Therapeutic areas were created by Data Cloud to help facilitate research and analytics objectives. | Diabetes | varchar |
ta2__v | Secondary therapeutic area of the product. Therapeutic areas were created by Data Cloud to help facilitate research and analytics objectives. | Insulin | varchar |
ta3__v | Tertiary, most granular, therapeutic area of the product. Therapeutic areas were created by Data Cloud to help facilitate research and analytics objectives. | Inhaler | varchar |
record_id__v | record_id of the transaction. | TX81f14a2f-dec5-4b76-ad55-90e549c49f | varchar |
diagnosis_column__v | Set the column info the diagnosis code. If the diagnosis_code__v comes from diagnosis_code_1, then stamp 1. | 1 2 | varchar |
diagnosis_code__v | ICD-9/ICD-10 code for diagnosis | E1110 | varchar |
diagnosis_code_desc__v | Description for diagnosis | E1110: Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis without coma | varchar |
diagnosis_market__v | Market definition from CRM for the diagnosis_code | 0MI7F000000PjYxWAK | varchar |
diagnosis_market_name__v | Name of the market | Diabetes TypeⅡ | varchar |
territory_id__v | CRM Territory Id | 0MI7F000000PjYxWAK | varchar |
territory_name__v | CRM Territory Name | T1101 | varchar |
hcp_vid__v | Rendering HCP Veeva ID. It can be used to integrate with all Veeva systems, including CRM, Link, and OpenData. | 243190890074473000 | varchar |
npi__v | Rendering Provider NPI. Represents the HCP that wrote the prescription on Prescription Claims. Represents the HCP that performed the treatment and/or made the diagnoses on. | 1699702993 | varchar |
account_id__v | CRM Account Id | 0017F00000pnNknQAE | varchar |
hcp_specialty_1__v | Primary Specialty for the Rendering HCP, provided by Veeva OpenData | Pulmonary Disease | varchar |
referring_hcp_vid__v | Veeva ID for the referring HCP. Veeva ID is the unique ID created and maintained by Veeva to identify individual HCPs. It can be used to integrate with all Veeva systems, including OpenData, CRM, and Link. | 243036094487069000 | varchar |
referring_hcp_npi__v | NPI of the HCP who directed the patient for care to the HCP rendering the services being reported.The attribute is enriched using OpenData. | 1386933992 | varchar |
referring_account_id__v | CRM Account Id for referring HCP | 0017F00000pnNknXVD | varchar |
product_name__v | Product name given to the group of Product IDs, managed by Veeva Data Cloud. For branded products, product name represents the brand name given by the manufacturer. For generic products, product name is the generic name of the product. | Cholecap | varchar |
patient_gender__v | Gender of the patient | F M | varchar |
patient_zip3__v | ZIP3 (first 3 digits of ZIP code) of the patient | 344 | varchar |
patient_state__v | State of patient based on patient’s ZIP3 | FL | varchar |
new_flag__v | Set "New" if the diagnosis market is new for the patient | New | varchar |