Linking Price Books to Wholesalers

  • Browser
  • CRM Desktop (Windows)
  • iPad

Customers often have pricing rules that are specific to a particular wholesaler. With this feature, customers can create a Price Book for a specific wholesaler and link it to them. Then, when a user selects a wholesaler on an Order, the pricing rules from the associated Price Book are applied automatically to the order.

A pharmacist might prefer to use a particular wholesaler because they are more reliable or have better discounts. After selecting the wholesaler, users can see the list price for the requested item and any discounts applied. If the pharmacist doesn’t qualify for an expected discount, users can select another linked wholesaler, one with a better price. Wholesalers can also have multiple price books for different drug classes or categories, each with different rules and discounts. When creating an order, users can easily switch from one wholesaler’s price book to another.

For example, Sarah Jones wants to create an order for Verteo Pharmacy. Two wholesalers fill orders for the pharmacy. Each wholesaler has a specific set of Pricing Rules defined in a Price Book. On the order, Sarah selects a wholesaler to use. All applicable Price Rules for that wholesaler are immediately applied to the order.

This feature is only applicable to wholesalers defined in the Account_Partner_vod object, not wholesalers defined in the Affiliation_vod object.

Configuring Wholesaler Price Book Linking


  • Order Management initial configuration is complete
  • Account Partner Price Books are configured
  • Wholesaler Account Partners have been created

To enable this feature:

  1. Grant users the following permissions:
  2. Object OLS Record Types Fields FLS
    Account_Partner_vod n/a n/a Wholesaler_vod Edit






    Grant Edit permission to allow users to select from multiple price books.

  3. Add the Wholesaler_vod field to the Price Book page layout on the Account_Partner_vod object.
  4. Ensure the appropriate user profile has access to the Price Book page layout.
  5. Add the Price_Book_vod field to the appropriate Order_vod page layout. Required if users have FLS edit permission to the Price_Book_vod field on the Order_vod object.

Using Linked Wholesaler Price Books

When a Wholesaler is selected on an order, the pricing rules from the Price Book associated with that Wholesaler are applied to the order.