Using Custom Presentations

  • CRM Desktop (Mac, Windows)
  • iPad

Users can create and manage customized presentations from the existing presentations slides in their media libraries to deliver specifically tailored messages to targeted accounts. These presentations can be saved for later use with other interactive calls.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

Users cannot modify the content of a custom presentation in any way.

A custom presentation is defined by the value Custom in the Type_vod picklist on the CLM_Presentation_vod object record.

This Type_vod value is set automatically and must not be modified. Admins should not add the Type_vod field to the CLM_Presentation_vod page layout where it is visible to end users.

Disabling Custom Presentations

Admins can disable custom presentations by removing permissions granted in the initial configuration.

To disable custom presentations for end users:

  1. Remove the following permissions:



    Record Types






    • Mobile_ID_vod

    • Status_vod

    • Type_vod





    • Mobile_ID_vod
    • Sub_Presentation_vod


  2. Navigate to Security > Sharing Settings for the CLM_Presentation_vod object, deselect Private for Default Internal Access, and select the Grant Access Using Hierarchies check box. This also defines the settings for the CLM_Presentation_Slide_vod object, which is a child of CLM_Presentation_vod.

  3. Delete any sharing rules granting end users access to presentations created by content admins, for example, Type_vod != Custom.

To prevent users from adding key messages with multiple products to custom presentations:

  1. Navigate to Custom Settings > Veeva Settings.
  2. Select Manage.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Deselect the MULTI_PROD_USER_DEFINED_PRESENTATION_vod Veeva Setting check box.

To disable automatically adding sub-presentations when end users create custom presentations:

  1. Remove FLS Edit permission for end users to the Mandatory_Slides_vod field on the CLM_Presentation_Slide_vod object.
  2. Navigate to Custom Settings > Multichannel Settings.
  3. Select Manage.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. Populate the ENHANCED_SUB_PRESENTATIONS_vod Multichannel Setting with a value of 0.

Creating and Managing Custom Presentations

From the media library, users can navigate to Manage My Presentations from the More Actions button, where they can create presentations and edit or delete existing ones. Users cannot modify presentations created by the home office or by other users.

Creating a Custom Presentation

To create a custom presentation:

  1. Navigate to the media library.
  2. Select the More Actions button.
  3. Select Manage My Presentations.
  4. Select the + button.
  5. Enter the appropriate information about the presentation. Required fields must be populated before continuing.
  6. Select Done.
  7. Add the appropriate slides from existing presentations displayed in the left column. Select a product from the Product filter to view all available slides for a specific product. Rearrange the slides by selecting and holding a slide thumbnail, dragging it to the appropriate position, and releasing. Remove a slide by selecting the red minus button on the slide thumbnail.

    The first slide selected for a new presentation determines to which product the presentation is aligned.

  8. Select Save.

Editing a Custom Presentation

To edit the properties of a custom presentation:

  1. Navigate to the media library.
  2. Select the More Actions button.
  3. Select Manage My Presentations.
  4. Select the appropriate presentation thumbnail.
  5. Select the More Actions button.
  6. Select the Edit Properties button.
  7. Update the appropriate information.
  8. Select Save.

To edit the slides in a custom presentation:

  1. Navigate to the media library.
  2. Select the More Actions button.
  3. Select Manage My Presentations.
  4. Select the appropriate presentation thumbnail.
  5. Select the More Actions button.
  6. Select the Add Slides button.
  7. Add, rearrange, or remove the appropriate slides.
  8. Select Save.

Deleting a Custom Presentation

On iPad, deleting a custom presentation deletes the corresponding CLM_Presention_vod record. However, deleting a custom presentation on CRM Desktop (Mac, Windows) sets the status of the CLM_Presentation_vod record to Expired_vod. See Assembling Custom Presentations in Veeva CRM on Desktop for more information about custom presentations in Veeva CRM on Desktop. VMOCs for the iPad platform should be updated to exclude expired presentations when syncing to mobile devices.

To delete a custom presentation:

  1. Navigate to the media library.
  2. Select the More Actions button.
  3. Select Manage My Presentations.
  4. Select the appropriate presentation thumbnail.
  5. Select the More Actions button.
  6. Select Delete.
  7. Select Yes.

Adding Sub-Presentations to Custom Presentations

This functionality helps Japanese pharmaceutical companies comply with the industry JPMA guidelines.

A sub-presentation is a set of required slides containing content such as safety and study information. These required slides must be displayed before the main content a user intends to present to HCPs. See Defining Sub-Presentation Slides for more information.

When a slide with a defined sub-presentation is added to a custom presentation, the sub-presentation is also added to the custom presentation, so users do not need to add the individual slides of the sub-presentation to the custom presentation. Users can view and rearrange the slides within the sub-presentation.

When the custom presentation is detailed, the slides can be detailed in-line. Detailing sub-presentation slides is not enforced in the CLM media player.


  • Users cannot modify the content itself in any way
  • Users can add slides with built-in navigation behavior to custom presentations, but the navigation behavior itself cannot be modified
  • If a slide containing a sub-presentation is added to a custom presentation, the sub-presentation is also added to the custom presentation

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