Generating Push Notification Certificates

Customers using their own certificates to sign Veeva CRM on iOS must generate a certificate for Veeva CRM Push Notifications from a MacOS computer. This process must be repeated each year to renew the certificate.

Customers do not require certificates to use push notifications for the App Store version of the Veeva CRM app. See Installing CRM via the App Store for more information.

Enabling Push Notifications for the App ID

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in as the Apple Developer Enterprise Account.
  3. Navigate to Certificates --> Identifiers & Profiles.
  4. Select App IDs in the Identifiers section.
  5. Select the company Veeva CRM App Id.
  6. Select Edit.
  7. Select the Push Notifications check box.
  8. Select Done.

Generating the Certificate

  1. Select All in the Certificates section.
  2. Select the + button in the top right corner.
  3. Select Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production) in the Production section.
  4. Select Continue.
  5. Select the Veeva CRM App Id, then Continue.
  6. Create a CSR file as indicated in the website instructions.
  7. Select Continue.
  8. Upload the created CSR file, then Continue.
  9. Download the created .cer file.

Creating the p12 File

  1. Open Keychain Access.
  2. Select the created .cer file to import it into the keychain.
  3. Enter the required credentials.
  4. Select the Keys category in the lower left-hand menu.
  5. Select the added certificate in the My Certificates section.
  6. Export the added certificate with a filename of [companyname]PushCert.p12

    For example: VerteoBioPharmaPushCert.p12

  7. Enter a password when prompted.

Creating the Provisioning Profile

Finally, a Provisioning Profile must be created with Push Notifications enabled:

  1. Log into the iOS provisioning portal and select Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
  2. Select the Provisioning profiles tab.
  3. Select + Add Profile.
  4. Select the In-House button.
  5. Enter [companyname] iRep Distribution Profile in the Profile name field.

    For example: Verteo BioPharma Systems iRep Distribution Profile.

  6. Select the correct iOS distribution certificate.
  7. Select the correct App ID modified in the Enable Push Notifications for the App ID section.
  8. Select Submit.
  9. Select Download next to the newly created profile to download the .mobileprovision file.
  10. Select the newly created Provisioning Profile.
  11. Ensure that Push Notifications is listed in the Enabled Services section.

After completing all of these processes, email the following files to

  • .p12 file – From the Creating the p12 File section
  • .mobileprovision file – From the Creating the Provisioning Profile section