Requiring Signatures on Opt-Out

  • Browser
  • iPad
  • iPhone

By default, signatures are required when HCPs provide opt-in consent on offline devices and paper consent IDs are required online. Customers can also require signatures and paper consent IDs for opt-out consent.

For example, Sarah Jones previously captured Dr. Clinton Ackerman's consent for Cholecap emails. However, Dr. Ackerman no longer wants to receive emails about Cholecap and opts out. To confirm his consent change, he must provide his signature.

Configuring Required Signatures on Opt-Out

  1. Grant the following FLS permissions to the Signature_Required_On_Opt_Out_vod field on the Consent_Header_vod object:
    • Consent admin – FLS Edit
    • End user – FLS Read
  2. Add the Signature_Required_On_Opt_Out_vod field to the Consent_Header_vod page layout.

Requiring Signatures on Opt-Out

To require signatures for opt-out consent, consent admins can perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure the Status_vod field on the Consent_Header_vod object for the consent header record is not Active.
  2. Select the Signature_Required_On_Opt_Out_vod check box on the consent header record for the appropriate country.
  3. Set the Status_vod field on the Consent_Header_vod object for the consent header record to one of the following:
    • Active – displays consent channels and lines on the Consent Capture screen and prevents further editing
    • Staged – hides the consent records from end users while allowing consent admins to review how the Consent Capture screen displays