Using Advanced Text Search in the Media Library

  • CRM Desktop (Mac, Windows)
  • iPad
  • iPhone
When searching for CLM content in the media library, users can use advanced text search to easily locate the presentation slide containing the searched text and navigate directly to the slide. Users can also filter the search results using the configured filters. This allows users with large media libraries to quickly find presentations by using search terms related to the content and narrowing down long lists of search results with filters.

Advanced text search only supports approved content.

The following CLM content types are supported:

  • PowerPoint

    Text in images in PowerPoint presentations is not supported.

  • PDF

    Protected PDF renditions in Vault are not supported.

  • HTML

    When manually uploading a distribution package for HTML content to Vault, ensure a high resolution (more than 300 DPI) poster.png image is included in the package. This allows HTML content to display in advanced text search results. See Manually Uploaded Distribution Packages for more information.

  • Images

Configuring Advanced Text Search

Ensure initial configuration is complete before enabling this functionality.

Ensure VMOCs for CRM Desktop (Windows) or CRM Desktop (Mac) are configured.

To use advanced text search in an org configured with profile-based Chatter, admins should enable Chatter for users but ensure users cannot make Chatter posts.

To enable advanced text search in the media library:

  1. Enable Notes in the CRM org. See Salesforce’s documentation for more information.
  2. Grant the integration user FLS edit permission to the Rendition_MD5_vod field on the following objects:
    • CLM_Presentation_vod
    • Key_Message_vod
  3. Grant end users FLS read permission to the Include_Attachments_vod field on the VMobile_Object_Configuration_vod object.
  4. Navigate to Multichannel Settings.
  5. Select Manage.
  6. Select Edit.
  7. Enter 1 for the CLM_CONTENT_SEARCH_vod setting at the org-wide level.

    To enable advanced text search for specific user profiles, enter 1 for the CLM_CONTENT_SEARCH_vod setting for the appropriate profile specific settings.

  8. Select Save.
  9. Navigate to the VMobile Object Configurations tab.
  10. Ensure the ContentDocumentLink VMOC is active for the appropriate platform and has the following WHERE clause:
    • WHERE LinkedEntityId IN (SELECT id FROM Key_Message_vod__c WHERE Media_File_Name_vod__c != null AND Active_vod__c = TRUE) AND ContentDocument.FileType = 'SNOTE' AND ContentDocument.Title LIKE 'CLM Content%'
  11. Ensure the Key_Message_vod VMOC is active for the appropriate platform and the Include Attachments check box is selected.

Advanced text search is not available immediately after it is enabled. For content published from Vault, Veeva CRM may take several hours to process the text in all the presentation slides in the media library as Content Notes, including presentations not downloaded to the device. Any time content is added to the media library after advanced text search is already enabled, Veeva CRM may take up to 2 hours to process the text in the new presentation slides. Admins can view the status of the Content Note processing in the Content Search Process History section of the CLM Admin Console.

To use advanced text search with content not published from Vault, admins must manually process the text for each key message:

  1. Enable Notes in the CRM org. See Salesforce’s documentation for more information.
  2. Add the Notes related list to the Key_Message_vod object page layout.
  3. Copy the text from the content of the appropriate key message.
  4. Navigate to the Key_Message_vod record for the key message.
  5. Navigate to the Notes related list.
  6. Select New to create a Note for the Key_Message_vod record.
  7. Enter a name for the Note.
  8. Paste the copied key message text in the text field.
  9. Select Done.
  10. Data load the ContentVersion record related to the Note with the CLM_Search_vod field set to True.

Alternatively, data load the records for the following objects according to the Salesforce data model:

  • ContentNote
  • ContentVersion
  • Ensure the CLM_Search_vod field is set to True
  • ContentDocumentLink

Using Advanced Text Search in the Media Library

Advanced text search behaves as follows:

  • It is not case sensitive
  • It searches the text within presentation slides
  • It is not a type-ahead search. Users must enter the search terms and select Search or select the Enter key to start the search.
  • At least two characters must be entered to start a search
  • Search results include partial matches to search terms using a Starts With condition. For example, search results for chole* includes presentations mentioning Cholecap
  • Search results include matches for multiple word search terms, for example, search results for Cholecap Restolar includes presentations mentioning both Cholecap and Restolar

A list of presentation slides displays in the search results, restricted by the user’s visibility to the presentations in the media library. When searching for presentations during a call, restricted products, allowed products, and segmentations are all respected and only display what is available for the account.

Emojis larger than 4 bytes cannot be searched.

To apply filters to the search results, select the filter icon and select the appropriate filters. See Using Presentation Attributes to Filter Presentations for more information about configuring and using filters.

Search results and filters do not reset when navigating between standard search and advanced text search.

Users can easily navigate between standard search and advanced text search in the search bar. Standard search is selected by default. See Searching the Media Library for more information about using standard search.

If the search results do not display the expected results, users with large media libraries should include multiple words in their search terms.

Users must have an active internet connection to use advanced text search.

On the iPad platform, users can select the search icon to display the search screen and select the Advanced Text Search tab.

On the CRM Desktop platforms, users can select the search icon to display the drop-down menu and select Advanced Text Search.

Considerations for Processing Content in Vault

  • The recommended resolution for images is 300 DPI
  • Use a moderate brightness level for images. A very high or very low brightness level decreases how accurately Vault processes text embedded in an image
  • The recommended font size is 12pt or larger
  • Ensure font faces and sizes are consistent throughout a document
  • Ensure scans of physical content pages are not skewed
  • Ensure documents have a high contrast between the text color and the background color