WeChat Service Account Templates in Veeva CRM

Tencent WeChat Service Account templates are used to send WeChat messages to subscribed HCPs in the WeChat Service Account containing a link to shared content Service Account templates provide the ability to customize the push notification message for specific needs, for example, notification messages customized for product information and meeting reminders.

The WeChat Service Account templates are registered and defined in the Tencent WeChat Service Account platform. Administrators need to use industry-specified templates available within the Tencent WeChat Service Account platform.

Approved WeChat utilizes the Approved_Document_vod object in Veeva CRM to manage WeChat Service Account templates. Approved WeChat supports the ability to setup multiple WeChat Service Account templates for each Service Account to customize the message sent for different content-sharing purposes.

Creating Service Account Template records in Approved Documents

The WeChat_Service_Account_Template_vod record type on the Approved_Document_vod object is used to distinguish the WeChat Service Account template records from other Approved Document record types. Administrators need to set up the WeChat Service Account template for use with each Service Account in the Approved_Document_vod object as follows.

  1. Enter the Service Account Template's ID in the WeChat_Template_ID_vod field on the Approved_Document_vod object.
  2. Enter the Service Account Template's Title in the Name field on the Approved_Document_vod object.
  3. Associate the WeChat Service Account for the template using the Content_Type_vod lookup field on the Approved_Document_vod object.
  4. Enter the Service Account template's parameter settings and data as a valid JSON in the Email_HTML_1_vod field.

Creating JSON for WeChat Service Account Template Parameters

Each WeChat Service Account template registered in the Tencent WeChat Service Account platform has a distinct set of parameters and values which define the body of the message sent using the template. Each WeChat Service Account template can have a different number of parameters defined.The Approved WeChat server builds a valid message to send to the WeChat Service Account API based on a definition of these template parameters stored as a JSON object in the Email_HTML_1_vod field on the Approved_Document_vod record.

Administrators needs to create a valid JSON defining the WeChat Service Account template's parameter and parameter values using the example below.

Service Account Template Parameter and Parameter Value example:

Parameter Parameter Value
first 尊敬的{Account.Formatted_Name_vod__c},应您的申请,医药代表{User.Name}给您分享了医学学术资料
keyword1 {Multichannel_Content_vod__c.Product_vod__r.Name}
keyword2 {Multichannel_Content_vod__c.Product_vod__r.Therapeutic_Area_vod__c}
remark 请点击详情

JSON Example:


"details": "{{first}} \n产品名称: {{keyword1}} \n治疗领域: {{keyword2}} \n医学资料名称: {{keyword3}} \n{{remark}}",

"data": {

"first": {

"value": "尊敬的{Account.Formatted_Name_vod__c},应您的申请,医药代表{User.Name}给您分享了医学学术资料",

"color": "#173177"


"keyword1": {

"value": "{Multichannel_Content_vod__c.Product_vod__r.Name}",

"color": "#173177"


"keyword2": {

"value": "{Multichannel_Content_vod__c.Product_vod__r.Therapeutic_Area_vod__c}",

"color": "#173177"


"keyword3": {

"value": "{Multichannel_Content_vod__c.Name}",

"color": "#173177"


"remark": {

"value": "请点击详情",

"color": "#173177"


