Fulfilling Orders with Multiple Recipients

  • Browser
  • iPad

Users can select multiple recipient accounts for one Order. This feature enables users to create Orders from the following entry points:

  • My Accounts — from the More Actions button. Appropriate user profiles need Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) on the Pricing_Rules_vod object. (On iPad and Online)
  • CLM — on iPad
  • Call Report — on iPad

Users can also order Print Materials, for example, publications and books, for multiple recipients at once. Orders are sent to an external fulfillment company.

Configuring Multiple Recipients for Fulfillment Orders


Ensure initial configuration is complete before enabling this functionality.

To enable multiple recipients:

  1. Grant FLS edit permission to the Delivery_Rank_vod__c field.

  2. Grant READ/WRITE permission to the zvod_Recipients_vod__c marker field.
  3. Add the zvod_Recipients_vod field in a dedicated section on the Order Header page layout This field is not compatible with any other Order Header zvod field. This renders as a specific UI control allowing the search and entry of multiple recipient accounts.

Account Group, Account-specific, and Contracts pricing rules are not supported when using zvod_Recipients_vod. Order Campaigns can be used to separate available product lists per Order Type and Account Type.

  1. Grant FLS edit permission to the zvod_Delivery_Address_vod field.
  2. Add the zvod__Delivery_Address_vod field in the Order Header page layout in the same section as the zvod_recipients_vod field.
  3. Define the number of allowed recipients in the Veeva Setting Number Delivery Dates. The maximum value is 12.
  4. Enable the online OM Single Entry Product Selection. See Product Thumbnails for more information.
  5. Enable the Account Partner object and the Delivery Location record type for the user profile. The shipping logic retrieves address information from what was populated in the Delivery Location records for the selected Account.
  6. Set OM_DELIVERY_SPLIT_MODE_vod to 2.

Using Multiple Recipients for Fulfillment Orders

A master Order is created without an account association. There is one Delivery Order per recipient Account even if there is only one recipient. The Order Type must be valid for all selected accounts in order for them to be selected as recipients, and is determined by the first account selected for the Order. Only Pricing Rules of type List_Price_vod and Limit_Rule_vod are supported.

If a user needs to review an existing Master Order, they must do this online. Reviewing existing master orders is not supported for offline devices.