Clinical Trial and Publication Details on the Account Timeline

  • iPad
  • Browser

Clinical Trial and Publication details are available on the Timeline, allowing Medical users to view all recent stakeholder activities and publications in one place. This is helpful when planning interactions with stakeholders.

For example, Sarah Jones is a Medical user who needs to review activity for her accounts. She opens the Timeline and reviews detailed information for clinical trials and publications.

Activity Type

Marker Field

Object, Criteria

Clinical Trial






Configuring Clinical Trial and Publication Details on the Account Timeline

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

To enable this feature: 

  1. Grant the following permissions: 

    Object OLS Record Type Fields FLS




    • zvod_Timeline_CT_vod
    • zvod_Timeline_Publication_vod


  2. Place the zvod_Timeline_CT_vod and zvod_Timeline_Publication_vod fields on the Account_Overview_Layout_vod page layout.

For activities to display on the account timeline, there must be corresponding records for that account. To display Clinical Trials on an account's timeline, the following records must exist for the account:

  • At least one Clinical_Trial__c record with the Date__c field populated

To display Publications on an account's timeline, the following records must exist for the account:

  • At least one Stakeholder_Publication_vod record
  • At least one Publication__c record with the Date__c field populated

Using Clinical Trial and Publication Details on the Account Timeline

Clinical Trial and Publication activity can be viewed in either collapsed or expanded mode. Collapsed mode displays the title, user name, and role.

Additional details for the Clinical Trial or Publication display in expanded mode.