Confirming Product Receipt

  • Browser

To disburse products and create sample transactions, users must confirm they received the products transferred to them in the expected quantities. When a user confirms sample receipt, sample receipt records are generated and the transferred products are added to the user’s Calculated Quantity for that sample lot. In addition, by creating a paper trail for sample shipments, sample receipt records enable users and organizations to identify lost or missing sample lots.

Ensure initial configuration is complete to use this functionality.

Confirming Pending Sample Receipts

To confirm pending sample receipt records:

  1. Navigate to the Pending Sample Receipts section of the My Samples tab
  2. Select the Confirm link for the appropriate sample shipments.
  3. In the Confirm Receipt pop-up, ensure the Confirmed Quantity field is correct.

    By default, the Confirmed Quantity field is automatically populated with the expected quantity. To require users to manually input a number for Confirmed Quantity, see Requiring Users to Manually Confirm Sample Quantities in Advanced Functionality.

  4. Enter Confirmed Comments for notes regarding the sample shipment or discrepancies in sample quantity or type (optional).
  5. Select Save to confirm sample receipt.

When a user confirms sample receipt, the following automatically occurs:

  • A Sample Receipt record is created
  • The corresponding sample lot is added to the user’s list of Active Sample Lots. By default, new sample lot numbers are automatically marked as active.
  • On the Sample Transaction record the user is confirming, the Received check box is ticked and the Discrepancy_vod formula field calculates the difference between the Quantity_vod and Confirmed_Quantity_vod fields
  • The following fields values are copied from the Sample Receipt record to the Sample Transaction record the user is confirming:
  • Any text in the Comments field
  • The value in the Confirmed_Quantity_vod field
  • The value in the Ref_Transaction_Id_vod field
  • If the Sample Receipt record was created through data load or integration with an external system, the Ref_Transaction_Id_vod field is not populated

If the confirmed quantity does not match the expected quantity for the shipment, a discrepancy is recorded.

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