Enhanced Engage Attendance Tracking

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Engage Attendance Tracking directly associates meeting attendees with their respective records in CRM, while also providing more attendance information, for example, an attendee’s IP Address and the meeting’s engagement minutes. This information is available in CRM as it becomes available from Zoom, without needing to submit the call report first, making information more useful and more available to users who review attendance information.

For example, Sarah Jones schedules an Engage meeting with Dr. Ackerman and Dr. Adams. When Sarah starts the meeting, Dr. Ackerman and Dr. Adams both join using their provided URLs. When the meeting ends and is processed, three Remote Meeting Attendees records are created: one for Sarah, one for Dr. Ackerman, and one for Dr. Adams. Each of these records directly references the corresponding User record (in the case of Sarah Jones) and Account records (in the cases of Dr. Ackerman and Dr. Adams).


Engage Attendance Tracking


Configuring Updated Engage Attendance Tracking

To enable this feature:

  1. Grant integration users and end users FLS edit permission to the VExternal_ID_vod field on the Remote_Meeting_vod object.

    This field is deployed to orgs with FLS edit permission already granted to users.

  2. Grant integration users FLS edit permission to the Engagement_Minutes_vod field on the Remote_Meeting_vod object. This step is optional.
  3. Grant integration users FLS edit permission to the IP_Address_vod field on the Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod object. This step is optional.

Tracking Engage Attendance

Attendance information about an Engage meeting is located in the resulting Remote_Meeting_vod record, as well as all associated Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod records.

Admins can review the last ten runs of the post-processing job from the Attendance Report Process History section of the Engage Meeting Process Administration tab. The Type column of this section can have one of two values:

  • Meetings with VExternal ID – All Remote_Meeting_vod and Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod fields are processed as they are via the existing Engage Post-Processing job, with the following exceptions:
  • The Call_vod and Participant_ID_vod fields of all associated attendee records do not populate
  • The following additional fields populate if the integration user has FLS edit permission to them:
  • The Engagement_Mintutes_vod field on the Remote_Meeting_vod object
  • The Account_vod field on the Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod object
  • The IP_Address_vod field on the Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod object
  • Meetings without VExternal ID – The meeting is processed via the existing Engage Post-Processing job

Each run of the post-processing job generates two rows, one for each Type.

If the integration user does not have FLS edit permission to the VExternal_ID_vod field on the Remote_Meeting_vod object, an error displays in Meetings with VExternal ID-type rows.

Meetings where only the host joined have a Meeting_Outcome_Status_vod field of Meeting Without Attendees. Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod records for hosts of these meetings are created, with the following fields left blank:

  • IP_Address_vod
  • Device_vod
  • Network_Type_vod

Additionally, the Name field populates with the Zoom-registered username, not their name in CRM.

Information Stored in the Remote_Meeting_vod Record

When an Engage meeting is scheduled, a unique ID for the meeting is generated and stamped on the VExternal_Id_vod field of the resulting Remote_Meeting_vod record.

The Meeting_Outcome_Status_vod picklist populates as soon as enough data is available to determine the status. For example, as soon as Zoom reports that an external attendee has joined a meeting, the corresponding Remote_Meeting_vod record's meeting outcome updates to Meeting Started with Attendees when the processing job next runs, regardless of if the call has been submitted or not.

Even after the meeting outcome populates, the Attendance_Report_Process_Status_vod field remains blank for two days after the related call is submitted. This is to ensure all relevant data is available before the field is set.

After the Engage meeting is processed, the Engagement_Minutes_vod field populates with the amount of time, in minutes, that the host or user attendee and at least one external attendee was present in the meeting.

For example, Sarah Jones begins her Engage meeting. The following attendees join her meeting at the following times:

  • Sarah spends two minutes in the meeting by herself. These minutes are not counted as engagement minutes.
  • Larry Lakes, a user attendee, joins the meeting. Sarah and Larry spend two minutes in the meeting as the only attendees. These minutes are not counted as engagement minutes.
  • Dr. Clinton Ackerman joins the meeting. Sarah, Larry, and Dr. Ackerman spend three minutes in the meeting. These minutes are counted as engagement minutes.
  • Sarah temporarily leaves the meeting for one minute, leaving Larry and Dr. Ackerman in the meeting. This minutes is counted as an engagement minute.
  • When Sarah rejoins, her, Larry, and Dr. Ackerman spend another four minutes in the meeting before the meeting ends. These minutes are counted as engagement minutes.
  • Four minutes later, the meeting ends. These minutes are counted as engagement minutes.

The number of Engagement Minutes for this meeting is 8, with the two minutes Sarah spent by herself in the meeting, as well as the two minutes where only Sarah and Larry were in the meeting not counting towards Engagement Minutes.

Information Stored in Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod Records

When Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod records are generated by the Engage meeting & Webinar Process and associated with the corresponding Remote_Meeting_vod record, the following fields populate:

  • Account_vod – Populates for all records corresponding to attendees who joined via an Engage link. References the account corresponding to the attendee. This field is left blank if the attendee is the host or is a user attendee.
  • IP_Address_vod – References the IP address of the device the attendee used to join the meeting

    This field is left blank if the integration user does not have FLS edit permission to the field at the time the process runs.

Attendance Tracking Reports and Dashboard

Attendance information is available in several reports that can be arranged into dashboards by admins, as well as a default dashboard automatically available.

  • Engage Calls Report –Displays all Call2_vod records with an associated Remote_Meeting_vod record where the Remote_Meeting_vod record has a populated Meeting_Outcome_Status_vod field, grouped by status. This report enables users to view the frequency of outcomes of Engage meetings and contains the following columns:
  • The name of the Call2_vod record
  • Account
  • Status
  • Call Channel
  • Record Type
  • Unaffiliated Remote Meeting Connections – Displays all Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod records where the Account_vod and User_vod fields are blank. This report enables users to view information about attendees not affiliated with an account or user in CRM and contains the following columns:
  • The name of the associated Remote_Meeting_vod record
  • The name of the Remote_Meeting_Attendee_vod record
  • The meeting’s Start_Time_vod field
  • The attendee’s Join_Time_vod field
  • The attendee’s Leave_Time_vod field

The Engage Attendee Tracking Dashboard

The Engage Attendee Tracking dashboard enables admins to quickly see several important metrics regarding attendance, as well as monitor the overall health of Engage in the org. Data on this dashboard can be filtered to only show data within the last 30 days, the last quarter, or year-to-date.

This dashboard is only available in Lightning-enabled orgs.

This dashboard contains the following four rows:

  • Meetings with Attendees – Engage meetings with at least one attendee
  • Meetings with Internal Attendees Only – Engage meetings with only user attendees
  • Meetings not Started, not Scheduled, or Started Without Attendees – Engage meetings with one of the following Meeting_Outcome_Status_vod values:
  • Meeting_Not_Scheduled_vod
  • Meeting_Not_Started_vod
  • Meeting_Started_Without_Attendees_vod
  • Meetings Started, Details not Available – Engage meetings with a Meeting_Outcome_Status_vod of Meeting_Started_Details_Not_Available_vod

Each of these rows contains four widgets that display the following metrics for that row:

  • Number of Instances – The number of Engage meetings with the corresponding metric. For example, the number of Engage meetings with at least one attendee during the selected timeframe
  • Number of Instances by Month – A line chart of Engage meetings with the corresponding metric, grouped by month
  • Percent of Instances – The percent of Engage meetings with the corresponding metric
  • Percent of Instances by Month – A line chart of the percent of Engage meetings with the corresponding metric, grouped by month