Child Accounts in Medical Events

  • Browser
  • iPad

Child Accounts in Medical Events allows event organizers to more accurately record HCP behavior.

On the Manage Attendees page, users can select the appropriate HCO, then select the specific Child Account HCP. This ensures Attendee records accurately associate with both the account and the HCO.

Configuring Child Accounts in Medical Events


To configure Child Accounts in Medical Events:

  1. Grant users the following permissions:

    Object OLS Record Types Fields FLS




    • Child_Account_vod
    • Parent_Account_vod
    • Parent_Child_Name_vod
    • Child_Name_vod
    • Parent_Name_vod
    Event_Attendee_vod n/a n/a Child_Account_vod Edit
  2. Activate the appropriate VMOCs for the Child_Account_vod object.

Using Child Accounts in Medical Events

To add a child account to a Medical Event:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Medical Event.
  2. Select the Manage Attendees button. The Manage Attendees page displays all HCOs available for the user.
  3. Select the Hierarchy icon for the appropriate HCO. The Manage Attendees page displays all Child Account records associated with that HCO.

    If additional child account views are configured, they can be selected from the drop-down list.

  4. Select the Child Account records to be added as attendees.
  5. Select the Up icon next to the HCO name to return to the list of available HCOs.

The Parent_Child_Name_vod field displays in the Attendees related list of the Medical Event with a Type of Child Account.

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