Custom Fields

Veeva CRM includes a very large number of custom fields in the application to use at your own discretion. There is no standard prefix or suffix naming convention for these fields.

No program logic depends on Custom fields. You can delete, rename and/or change the data types of these fields. You can also create your own custom fields.

Considerations for Custom Fields

  • Never perform any of the following actions. Doing so will likely break the application and require repair by Veeva:
  • Delete, rename or change the data type of any field or object that has _vod in the name
  • Delete, rename or change the code in a Visualforce page, APEX Trigger or APEX package that has _vod in the name
  • Delete, rename or deactivate any picklist value or Record Type with _vod in the name
  • Change the data type of the Name field for an object from “Auto Number” to “Text.” In some cases, you may be able to change the data type format of a Name field from “Text” to “Auto Number,” but contact Veeva Support for confirmation.
  • Objects without _vod in the name may be freely deleted or renamed
  • Custom fields, objects, reports, workflows, etc. may be freely created

    Both the iPad and Windows Tablet platforms can store a maximum of 15 digits in Number fields.

Refer to the Veeva CRM Data Model Guide for details on the complete Veeva CRM data model, Veeva CRM objects, Veeva CRM standard and custom fields, ERD diagrams, etc.

For instructions on creating custom fields, see Create Custom Fields in the Salesforce help.