Introduction to Veeva CRM 19R1

Many new features can be enabled with Veeva CRM 19R1. This document provides a brief explanation of each new feature and updates to existing features.

Veeva CRM 19R1 brings major improvements across the full suite of applications, providing enhancements to optimize user experience and maximize productivity.


  • Survey Branching Support on iOS - quickly gather detailed responses to more comprehensive surveys through the use of dependent questions
  • Approved Email - includes indicating exact string matches and support for defining more restricted words and the ability to indicate if consent should be checked for by email template
  • iPhone Features - includes sampling and promotional materials with signature capture, survey branching, and send to maps
  • Windows Sunrise - upgrade to a unified user experience on Veeva CRM across all mobile devices

Detailed instructions for settings required to fully enable these, as well as all the new features in Veeva CRM 19R1, can be found by following the links in New in Veeva CRM 19R1 topic.

User Visible and Behavior Changes

Most new features are delivered disabled by default; however users are able to view the following features immediately:


  • Windows: A message will display to indicate a new version of CRM on Windows Tablet is available with the 19R1 release
  • Users who installed the Windows Sunrise Evaluation version need to delete that version and install the 191.7.0 version. There is a new signing certificate for Veeva CRM on Windows.



  • iPad and Windows: The Account Overview Panels are now accessible from the Sunrise Bar instead of from the top of the Timeline View
  • iPad: Users can now view additional historical data and planned activity in the Timeline by using the swipe up or down gesture at the bottom or top of the Timeline. Three months of additional data loads at a time.
  • iPad: Engage for Portals Activities on the Timeline now display only the first five lines. Additional lines are viewed by selecting the MC activity record.
  • iPhone: The More Actions icon on the Account Detail page replaces the Create a Call icon if more than one action is available. If only the Record a Call action is available, the new handshake icon displays.
  • Online: Custom lookup fields are now editable in the Call Objectives section of the Call Report

Call Reporting

  • iPad and Online: Additional account identifiers and addresses now display when selecting a Call Location if users have FLS permissions
  • All: When a call is made with a Business_Professional_vod account, The All Accounts section on the Add Attendees page only displays accounts with the same Primary Parent as the Business_Professional_vod accounts

Call Sampling

  • iPad and Online: The address and Sample Indicator associated with attendees added to group calls now display based on the following logic:
  • If the account has a Preferred Address in the same state as the call, that address displays
  • If not, the account's Primary Address displays if it is in the same state as the call
  • If not, the first address associated with the account in the same state as the call displays
  • If the account does not have an address in the same state as the call, the above logic applies regardless of the state of the address
  • iPad, iPhone: The icons on the Swap Attendee popup on a Unique Activities group call are now the same icons as in the Attendees section
  • iPad: Samples and BRCs now display separately in the Samples and Promotional Items section of the Call Report

Samples Management

  • Online: Users can now search for specific order lines using the search bar in the Inventory Order Lines section of an Inventory Order
  • Online: Users can now sort the columns of the Inventory Order Lines section of an Inventory Order

Events Management

  • Windows: The Meal_Opt_In_vod field must now be placed on every Event_Attendee_vod object page layout associated with a record type using Meal Opt-in
  • iPad: When manually entering a walk-in attendee from the Attendee Reconciliation screen, picklist fields now display their default values.

The Status value is still controlled by the Walk_In_Attendee_Statuses_vod field on the Event_Rule_vod object and the Meal Opt In value must still be set by the user.


Approved Email

  • Thumbnails of newly added images now display on the Image Selection page of the BEE Email Template Editor
  • All: Approved emails containing the {{addToCalendar}} token now display datetime tokens {{Call2_vod__c.Call_Datetime_vod__c}} etc., in the user's locale format


  • iPad and Windows: When the DISABLE_CALL_LOCATION_NONE_vod Veeva Setting is disabled in child account-enabled orgs and only one location exists for the account, the Select Location popup does not display, and the call report automatically locks the one valid location

Consent Capture

  • iPad: A gray background now displays on Consent Capture channels where no action has been taken
  • iPad and Online: Channel source labels now display when capturing consent
  • iPad and Online: Channel sources now stamp on the Multichannel Consent record


  • When an HCP joins a meeting, their video is disabled by default. After joining the meeting, the HCP can enable or disable their video camera in the app.
  • The Engage HCP Web Client no longer displays the Original Size button in Engage meetings. This ensures all shared content remains in view during the meeting.
  • When an iPad user selects the Share button in the Meeting Options screen, a message displays for the HCP that the host has started screen sharing as the screen share loads.

Key Medical Insights

  • Online: The Save button now displays before the Submit button Multichannel Cycle Plan
  • iPad: Several elements in the My Plan tab, for example, the display of the Last Calculated and Days Remaining values now follow the Sunrise user interface. The Plan Name is now a drop-down in the title bar replacing the Change Plan button.

Scheduling and Planning

  • iPad: Users can now view additional historical data and planned activity on the Timeline View by using the swipe up or down gesture at the bottom or top of the Timeline. Three months of additional data loads at a time.
  • iPhone: Users can now push an address from the Veeva CRM app to Google Maps, Apple Maps, or Waze


  • iPad: The Date and Date time dialog Save label is now Done.

What's New in Veeva CRM 19R1

The following changes are available to all licensed users of a given product. Instructions to configure these options are discussed in each topic and in the Veeva CRM product documentation.

Core CRM


Call Reporting

Call Sampling

Medical Events

Order Management

Events Management


Medical CRM


Approved Email

Approved WeChat


  • WKWebView Support for Loading Local Files


Engage Webinar

Engage Webinar has been deprecated and is replaced by Virtual Events.

  • Displaying Webinar Links and Codes
  • Web Client

Multichannel Cycle Plans



Survey branching is now available on the iPhone and iPad platforms.

Call Reporting

Location Services (GPS)

iPhone users can now use GPS coordinates in Call Reports. See Capturing GPS Coordinates on the Call Report for more information.

Scheduling and Planning

iPad users can now view additional historical data and planned activity on the Timeline View by using the swipe up or swipe down gesture at the bottom or top of the Timeline. Three months of additional data loads at a time.


The Medical Dashboard is now available on the iPhone platform.

New Objects

The list below contains all new objects added in Veeva CRM Version 19R1.

Object Label Description
Andi_Journey_vod Journey The Journey object defines the header information of a Journey.
Andi_Journey_Stage_vod Journey Stage The Journey Stage object defines the collection of Stages in a given Journey. This object stores the associated methodology for the Progression Criteria of an Account along the Stages of the Journey.
Andi_Journey_Stage_Account_vod Journey Stage Account The Journey Stage Account object holds the current and historical Journey Stage assignment for a given Account.
Andi_Journey_Stage_Action_vod Journey Stage Action The Journey Stage Action object provides the available Actions that a User could take within a Stage. These Actions include Channel, Content and Key Message combinations.
Message_Template_Content_vod Message Template Content  
Planogram_Line_vod Planogram Line Planogram Line provides drives positions and dimensions for gondolas, shelves and products in the planogram.
Planogram_vod Planogram Planogram header to establish how a set of products should be displayed in pharmacy/ mass market (accounts).
WeChat_Settings_vod WeChat Settings Customer Settings for WeChat CRM

New Fields

The list below contains all fields added in Veeva CRM Version 19R1. The fields are organized by object. Visibility to all fields is disabled by default to all users except administrators. See the Veeva Data Model information for a full listing of Veeva objects.

Object Field Name Field Label Description Field Type
Account_vod Total_Sent_Message_vod Total Sent Message The number of the messages have been sent Number
Account_vod zvod_Account_QRcode_vod Zvod_Account_QRcode Marker field for the QR code in the account page layout Checkbox
Account_Partner_vod Inventory_Monitoring_Type_vod Inventory Monitoring Type   Picklist
Account_Partner_vod Planogram_vod Planogram   Lookup
Action_Item_vod Mobile_ID_vod Mobile ID System field used by mobile products to aid synchronization. Text
Approved_Document_vod Check_Consent Check Consent Check Consent overrides default consent set at Account Picklist
Approved_Document_vod WeChat_Template_ID_vod WeChat Template ID Stores the service account template ID Text
Call_Objective_vod Display_Order_vod Display Order A way to determine the order in which the Call Objective appears on the call report, based on ascending alphanumeric sorting. Text
Content_Type_vod Disclaimer_Page_Url_vod Disclaimer Page URL Stores the disclaimer URL that is shown to an HCP during the subscription process to a service account Text
Content_Type_vod Service_Account_App_Id_vod Service Account App Id Stores WeChat Service Account APP ID Text
Data_Change_Request_vod Network_Create_Unverified_vod Network Create Unverified Determines if the DCR will override the Network workflow settings and create an Unverified Record in Network. Number
EM_Attendee_vod Webinar_Participant_ID_vod Webinar Participant ID Engage Webinar participant identifier Text
EM_Event_Action_vod Add_Delegates_to_Event_vod Add Delegates to Event Used to add a delegate approver to the event team PIcklist
EM_Event_History_vod Delegate_Approver_IDs_vod Delegate Approver IDs Stores the IDs of all delegate approvers. Long Text Area
EM_Event_History_vod Delegate_Approver_vod Delegate Approver The user selected as the delegate approver Lookup
EM_Event_Speaker_vod Webinar_Panelist_ID_vod Webinar Panelist ID Webinar panelist identifier Text Engage
Multichannel_Activity_vod Sent_Message_External_Id_vod Sent Message External Id External ID to determine which Sent Message to write Multichannel Activity for Text
Multichannel_Activity_vod Sent_Message_vod Sent Message Indicates which Sent Message record the activity is associated with Lookup
Multichannel_Consent_vod Captured_By_vod Captured By Captured_By_vod is a lookup to the user who invited the HCP to consent Lookup
Multichannel_Consent_vod Channel_Source_vod Channel Source Stores the object and field API names of the channel source. Text
Multichannel_Consent_vod User_Last_Notified_vod User Last Notified User_Last_Notified_vod contains the datetime of when the User has been notified that an Account has been verified Date/Time
Order_vod Delivery_Payment_Rule_vod Delivery Payment Rule Shows and stores the Delivery Payment Term that the rule has determined, not editable by users Text
Order_vod Delivery_Payment_vod Delivery Payment Shows and store the Delivery Payment Term value that the user settled on Text
Order_vod zvod_Delivery_Payment_Rule_vod zvod_Delivery_Payment_Rule Marker field used to display the Delivery Payment Term rule that was calculated by the pricing engine for a delivery order Checkbox
Order_vod zvod_Delivery_Payment_vod zvod_Delivery_Payment Marker field used to display the Payment Term selector for delivery orders Checkbox
Product_vod Height_vod Height   Number
Product_vod Width_vod Width   Number
Sent_Message_vod Account_vod Account Lookup to the associated HCP account record. Lookup
Sent_Message_vod Capture_Datetime_vod Capture Datetime The date time when the user trigger to send content to the HCP Date/Time
Sent_Message_vod Content_Clicked_vod Content Clicked Content_Clicked_vod is a formula field which captures if there was at least single click event or not for sent content Formula
Sent_Message_vod Content_Type_vod Content Type Content_Type_vod stores the service account record in the Sent Message record if the record type of the Sent Message record is WeChat_vod Lookup
Sent_Message_vod Content_vod Content Content_vod represents the Multichannel Content to which the Sent_Message_vod record is associated Lookup
Sent_Message_vod Delivered_Datetime_vod Delivered Datetime Delivered_Datetime_vod is the datetime when the message has reached the recipient's inbox Date/Time
Sent_Message_vod Detail_Group_vod Detail Group Detail_Group_vod represents the detail group to which the Sent_Email_vod record is associated. This will correspond to the Detail Group to which the product (Product_vod) is aligned. Lookup
Sent_Message_vod Last_Open_Datetime_vod Last Open Datetime The last date time when the account opened the content in WeChat Date/Time
Sent_Message_vod Opened_vod Opened Opened_vod captures if the message was opened at least once or not at all. Number
Sent_Message_vod Product_vod Product Product_vod represents the product to which the multichannel content is associated Lookup
Sent_Message_vod Sent_Datetime_vod Sent Datetime Sent_Datetime_vod is the datetime when the Tencent service dispatched the message. Date/Time
Sent_Message_vod Status_vod Status Status_vod captures the status of the message delivery. Picklist
Sent_Message_vod Template_vod Template Template_vod represents the WeChat message template to which the Sent_Message_vod record is associated Lookup
Sent_Message_vod Territory_vod Territory The territory associated to the user who sent the message Text
Sent_Message_vod Total_Duration_vod Total Duration The sum of the duration that the account views the content (in seconds). This is updated by an APEX class job. Number
Sent_Message_vod Total_Interacts_With_Content_vod Total Interaction The clickthrough action in the content Number
Sent_Message_vod User_vod User User_vod is a Lookup to the User that sent the message Lookup
Sent_Message_vod VExternal_Id_vod VExternal ID External ID to determine which Sent Message to write Multichannel Activity for Text
Sync_Tracking_vod Successful_Sync_vod Successful Sync Contains 1 if the sync was successful. Formula
Sync_Tracking_vod Sync_Type_vod Sync Type Type of synchronization that occurred, such as Incremental, User-triggered or Forced (a.k.a. triggered by the tablet because of new fields in the describe). Picklist
Veeva_Settings_vod KMI_RESTRICTED_WORDS_MESSAGES_vod KIM Restricted Words Veeva Messages This setting works with the corresponding Veeva Messages listed. It is used to filter for words or phrases that a customer wants to prevent a rep from entering in a Medical Insights record. Text