New in Veeva CRM 25

The following changes are available to all licensed users of a given product. Instructions to configure these options are discussed in each topic and in the Veeva CRM product documentation.

Core CRM


Order Management

Call Report


Veeva Medical



Approved Email

  • Approved Email Permission Sets
  • Handling Product Restrictions in Group Email
  • Viewing Multiple Documents in the Vault Viewer
  • Supressing the Recipient Name
  • Storing Sent Email Content


  • One-to-Many
  • CoBrowse/Engage Permission Sets


Events Management

Network Integration


DCR Alerts

DCR Alerts now display on the Home Page on Windows. See the Home Page topic for more information on alerts.

Content Alerts

Content Alerts now display on the Home Page on Windows. See the Home Page topic for more information on alerts.

Viewing Multi-Channel Alerts

Multi-channel alerts now display on the Home Page on Windows. See the Home Page topic for more information on alerts.

Splitting Deliveries

Windows users can now split order deliveries. See the Line Delivery Splitting topic for more information.

Payer and Delivery Location

Select Payer and Delivery Location from Account Partners on an Order is now available on Windows. See the Payers and Delivery Location topic for more information.

Viewing Account Overview Panels

Windows users can now view account overview panels. See the Timeline View topic for more information.

Displaying Targets in Call

Targets can now be filtered to display in the Attendee section of the Call Report. See the Attendee topic for more information.