What's New In 22R3.2

The CRM 22R3.2 minor release includes several new features, as well as User Visible and Behavior Changes.

Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of enhancements and new features. Configuration is available by selecting the feature name. You can also find a quick overview of 22R3.2 Feature Enablement and Availability information in this release note.

New Fields and New Objects are also included.


Salesforce Spring '24 Announcement Regarding MFA Auto-Enablement

Salesforce has announced that with their Spring '24 release, they will enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all direct UI logins to your Salesforce orgs. The Spring ‘24 release rolls out between January 12 and February 10, 2024. For more on MFA in Veeva CRM, see Requiring Multi-Factor Authentication for Salesforce. Information on enabling MFA in Salesforce is available here.

Salesforce Spring '23 Announcement Regarding Enhanced Domains

To comply with the latest browser and security standards, Salesforce is enabling enhanced domains on your Salesforce org’s My Domain. This update affects application and login URL formats across your org and will include the My Domain name in all URLs, making page sources consistent. This can be disabled manually if needed.

Enable ICU Locale Formats

In the Spring '24 release, Salesforce will automatically enable International Components for Unicode (ICU) Locale formats. Veeva CRM is compatible with the ICU Locale formats. ICU sets the international standard for these formats for all locales. The new formats provide a consistent experience across the platform and improve integration with ICU-compliant applications across the globe. The ICU formats replace Oracle’s Java 8 Development Kit (JDK8) formats. This update was first made available in Winter ’20.

Salesforce Platform API Versions 21.0 through 30.0 Retirement

In the Spring '23 release, Salesforce is retiring Platform API versions 21.0 through 30.0 of the Salesforce Platform SOAP, REST, and Bulk APIs. Veeva CRM does not use these API versions, however, customer custom applications should be modified to consume the latest available API version if they use an API version lower than 30.0.

Disabling Emails for Approved Notes Monitoring Results

Beginning with the 22R3.2 release, admins will no longer receive emails for Approved Notes monitoring results. Instead, admins can configure automated email alerts.

See Configuring Approved Notes for more information.



Labeling Custom Presentations on CRM Desktop (Mac)

Users on CRM Desktop (Mac) can add labels when saving a custom presentation. Users can organize presentations by creating and adding labels. Using labels helps to quickly identify the appropriate presentation to use especially if the user has a large library of presentations. Labels and directories cannot be applied at the same time. Additionally, users on CRM Desktop (Mac) can manage the labels when renaming the custom presentation.

Viewing Slide Notes in Presentations on iPhone

When preparing CLM content in the CLM media player, iPhone users can view notes for each key message to ensure they deliver specific, tailored content to HCPs. Slide notes for auto-published PowerPoint content are automatically synced from Vault.

Zooming In and Out of Multi Slide Presentations on CRM Desktop (Windows)

When displaying content in Presentation View, users on CRM Desktop (Windows) can zoom in and out of content to easily view small text or diagrams. The content must be published as a Multi Slide Presentation from Vault. Admins can also disable zoom for specific key messages for compliance reasons.


Quick Sharing CLM Content in Engage Meeting on CRM Desktop (Mac)

During Engage meetings, meeting hosts can use the Present in Engage button to quickly share CLM content in Presentation View. The button displays in a presentation window when the presentation is in Normal View and there is an ongoing Engage meeting.

Sending Auto-Published CLM Content via Web Link or QR Code on CRM Desktop

Users on CRM Desktop can use WhatsApp or QR codes to send HCPs links to auto-published CLM content from the media library. Users on CRM Desktop (Mac) can also copy links directly and send them to HCPs using their preferred method of communication. Any interaction from the recipient with the link itself is tracked, allowing admins to analyze engagement with specific presentations to improve CLM content.


Creating a MyInsights Visualization for Speakers

Admins can create a MyInsights page to display detailed speaker information from other CRM objects and fields not available on the Speaker Tab. The page displays when users select a speaker from the Events Management Speaker tab.

MyInsights Studio

Adding a Date Picker to a MyInsights Page Layout

Content Creators can now add a date picker, with an optional default value, to a MyInsights page layout. This allows users to filter displayed options. The Date Picker data element stores the user's selection and can be used in expressions in the same way as any other data element.

Network Integration

Enhanced Network License Mapping

Veeva Network customers can import additional license information into CRM based on information provided by Veeva OpenData. This information can be imported into CRM via Network Bridge or Network Account Search, then used by CRM admins to further customize their company’s sample eligibility formulas to include this new information.

Align Territory Feedback

Territory Feedback Metrics in Manager Feedback

To better visualize territory feedback metrics, including targets, goals, and pending challenges, managers can view this information within Manager Feedback. Managers can use these metrics to see adjustments made to territories in real time, enabling them to ensure any company guidelines for territories are met.

Viewing MyInsights Visualizations in Manager Feedback

Territory Feedback MyInsights visualizations that display for end users also display in the Info panel in Manager Feedback, enabling managers to view territory information in greater detail than the default Territory Feedback Metrics via the same customized visualizations used by end users.

New Videos

The following videos were added as part of this release:

The Using Save for Later Call Mode video is updated to reflect the Add to Existing Call functionality.

User Visible and Behavior Changes

Most new functionality requires some configuration, however users are able to use the following functionality immediately. Select the thumbnail to view a larger image.

Call Planning

Platform Description Before After


When managers view their reports’ calendars with manager view, unavailable time slots and meeting requests display. (Meeting requests added January 20, 2023).

Browser (Classic, Lightning)

An error displays if admins attempt to save an Unavailable_Time_vod record with a start datetime after the end datetime or with blank start or end datetime fields.



All-day unavailable time slots display over the entire day, rather than only displaying in the calendar header. 


When a multi-day unavailable time slot starts or ends part of the way through a day, My Schedule reflects the start and end times.


All-day and multi-day unavailable time slots always display at the top of the calendar header.


When an unavailable time slot and another calendar entry start within 30 minutes of one another, the calendar entry displays at half the column width. 


For consistency across My Schedule popovers, the Time Off Territory popover is updated:

  • The Time Off Territory reason displays as a heading at the top of the popover with the date and time listed below
  • The View button displays at the bottom of the popover with a new label of View Time Off Territory
  • The Edit button displays in the upper right corner of the popover
  • When users select AM Off or PM Off, the popover displays the specific hours blocked off 


The Office Best Times popover resizes to fit the listed days and times.


Days and times in the Office Best Times popover are localized. For users with the en_US locale, AM and PM are now capitalized.


The Back button is labeled according to the Best_Times_vod field label on the Address_vod object.  If the Best_Times_vod field label exceeds the available space, the button defaults to Back instead.


When users create or edit Office Best Times, warnings and other information impacting the user’s workflow are highlighted in an information box.


The Start Time picker defaults to 9:00 AM and the End Time picker defaults to 5:00 PM, instead of defaulting to the current time.


When users enter an invalid start or end time for Office Best Times, the invalid time is highlighted in red and an error modal displays.


Platform Description Before After
CRM Desktop (Mac) When users save or rename a custom presentation, the Labels field now displays in the save modal and the presentation name popover.


Platform Description Before After
Browser (Classic, Lightning)

Turkey is no longer supported for Engage dial-in numbers and does not display in the Additional_Zoom_Dial_In_Countries_vod picklist.

n/a n/a

CRM Desktop (Mac)

During Engage meetings, the Present in Engage button now displays on presentation windows in Normal View. Additionally, for presentations already in Presentation View, Present in Engage displays in the right-select context menu.

Multichannel Cycle Plans

Platform Description Before After

For consistency in user experience, the user interface for the MCCP filters popover is updated:

  • Users add MCCP filters by selecting the Add Filter link on the right side of the modal, instead of the green plus icon next to
  • Filter Criteria Channel and Product labels display above the field
  • The information icon displays above the Product field


When an error occurs while loading MCCP filter information, the error message displays in the center of the screen. To retry, users select a Retry link instead of an icon.




Platform Description Before After
  • The Onboarding Shareable button that displays on every entry point moved slightly, to the bottom right corner of the MyInsights report view
  • The Not Now button is removed from the Onboarding feature

22R3.2 Feature Enablement and Availability

New functionality introduced in the Veeva CRM 22R3.2 release is available:

CRM Feature Availability and Enablement










CRM Desktop


CRM Desktop (Windows)





Call Planning

Displaying Unavailable Time Slots and Meeting Requests in Manager View (Meeting requests added January 20, 2023)



User Interface Enhancements for Unavailable Time Slots



User Interface Enhancements for the Time Off Territory Popover



User Interface Enhancements and Localization for Office Best Times




Labeling Custom Presentations on CRM Desktop (Mac) (parity)



Viewing Slide Notes in Presentations on iPhone (parity)



Zooming In and Out of Multi Slide Presentations on CRM Desktop (Windows) (parity)




Ending Support for Dial-In Numbers in Turkey



Quick Sharing CLM Content in Engage Meeting on CRM Desktop (Mac) (parity)



Sending Auto-Published CLM Content via Web Link or QR Code on CRM Desktop (parity)



Multichannel Cycle Plans

Updated Layout View for Multichannel Cycle Plan Filtering




Creating a MyInsights Visualization for Speakers



Network Integration

Enhanced Network License Mapping



Align Territory Feedback

Territory Feedback Metrics in Manager Feedback



Viewing MyInsights Visualizations in Manager Feedback



* Parity items do not require configuration if you are using this functionality on another platform.

MyInsights Studio Feature Availability and Enablement

Feature Configuration Required
Adding a Date Picker to a MyInsights Page Layout


New Objects

No new objects were added in Veeva CRM 22R3.2.

New Fields

The list below contains all fields added in Veeva CRM 22R3.2. The fields are organized by object. See the Veeva Data Model information for a full listing of Veeva fields.


Field Name

Field Label





Need Slide Notes

Extract Powerpoint slide notes automatically for a CLM Presentation.

Check box



Per Event Topic Category

Used by Business Rules to limit the number of records counted to those that match the topic category of an event.

Check box



Topic Category

Used to group similar topics.




Veeva Link URL

Contains the URL for the Veeva Link Profile of the Speaker.




Slide Notes Version

The last version of slide notes saved for a Key Message.




Update Slide Notes

Indicates whether slide notes need to be updated.

Check box