Labels and the User Interface in Veeva CRM

The Veeva CRM application leverages a combination of the Setup configuration and custom Veeva CRM specific functionality. The data that drives the user interface with respect to the labels and text that is displayed to the user is derived from two sources: the Setup configuration and the Veeva Message object. The Veeva Message object is displayed through the user interface as a tab that administrators should have access to with Edit privileges. (Reference the Veeva Message section in this document for additional considerations.) The following is a list of rules that will assist in determining the appropriate location to re-label the various objects within Veeva CRM:

  • All tab labels are derived from the Setup configuration
  • If an object is a object that does not leverage a custom Veeva CRM user interface, such as Time Off Territory, Medical Events or Material Orders, then all labels and text can be modified through the Setup configuration.
  • If an object is a object that leverages a custom Veeva CRM user interface and utilizes page layouts to render the user interface, such as Call Report and Sample Transaction, then the labels associated to all fields can be modified via the standard Setup configuration. Special title fields and error messages may be driven by Veeva Message records.

    If an object leverages a custom Veeva CRM user interface and there is no underlying object, such as My Accounts and My Schedule, then the labels and text displayed are configured via Veeva Message records

Veeva CRM online supports both the old and new Salesforce User Interface themes. The user interface theme can be configured by going to: Setup > Customize > User Interface. To enable the updated UI select the ‘Enable New User Interface Theme’ option in the User Interface section.

Use of the new Salesforce User Interface theme is optional; therefore customers do not have to enable it in their environment. The user interface theme selected does not affect the functionality in Veeva CRM online. However, Veeva recommends enabling it so that users can benefit from the full array of functionality that comes with it.

When using record types (for any object), you should always use the un-translated label, not the API name.

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