New in Veeva Engage 18R3

Several new features are included in Veeva Engage 18R3. This topic provides a brief explanation of each new feature and explains updates to existing features.

User Visible Changes

Users can view the following changes for this release without additional configurations:

  • Engage Web Client attendees can now join the meeting audio using their browser via VoIP
  • The Engage Web Client application automatically localizes to the appropriate Veeva Supported language based on the language of the user’s browser
  • Annotation is no longer supported for HCPs. The Disable Attendees Annotation button is not active.
  • The Engage Web Client application now displays a video feed of the active speaker
  • HCPs video feed does not automatically display when joining a meeting. To share their video, HCPs must select the Start Video button.

VoIP and Two-Way Video in the Web Client

The Engage Web Client now supports two-way video and VoIP. See VoIP and Two-Way Video for more information.