20R2.2 Maintenance Notes
The items listed below were added in 20R2.2. Maintenance items in the Veeva application are corrections to existing functionality.
Reverted to 202.2.400 (November 10, 2020)
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad, Online Windows |
Reverted the changes released in 202.2.500. Veeva CRM Browser (Classic), Browser (Lightning), and Windows Tablet will sort using the translated labels based on the Salesforce Winter '21 sort ordering. When using Call, iPad will sort using the untranslated label. All others follow the Salesforce Winter '21 sort ordering. |
CRM-210873 |
202.2.500 (November 5, 2020)
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad, Online Windows |
In the Winter '21 release, Salesforce changed the order they return record types in their metadata API. The sort order is now alphabetical by DeveloperName; case insensitive. |
CRM-210873 |
202.2.400 (October 29, 2020)
Account Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Windows Tablet |
The Primary Email field value did not display in the Account List view. |
CRM-210210 |
Events Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
Event Admins could create Expense Estimate Creation rules with an inactive Expense Type or with an Expense Type that was a child of another Expense Type, which is not supported. |
CRM-210040 |
Multichannel |
During the Approved Email Sync process, if an Approved Document could not be created, Event Rules were not created for other valid Approved Documents. |
CRM-209139 |
Network Integration
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When a Parent HCO account was added to CRM using Network Account Search, the new Parent HCO’s account ID was not sent to Network, and a custom key was not created. |
CRM-209372 |
202.2.302 (October 24, 2020)
Call Reporting
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
In the Winter '21 release, Salesforce changed the order they return record types in their metadata API. This can impact how Veeva CRM determines which record type to use when defaulting to a record type. |
CRM-210563 CRM-210569 CRM-210731 |
202.2.302 (October 23, 2020)
Events Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Multichannel |
Event Rules and Topic Materials were not created for Approved Email templates with country-only configuration. |
CRM-210415 |
202.2.300 (October 15, 2020)
Approved Email
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
The {{customContent}} token did not resolve correctly when used in an URL. |
CRM-208914 |
Call Sampling
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When a user added only alternative samples or high-value promotional items to a Call Report, the product banner did not display on the signature page. |
CRM-207857 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When saving call clickstream data using the createRecordsOnExit JavaScript function, the data was sometimes saved for the wrong slide. |
CRM-209366 |
iPad |
When navigating from an HTML slide to a non-HTML slide using the Find Presentation button or the gotoSlide JavaScript function, the call clickstream record was not created. |
CRM-209689 |
Order Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When editing an order created offline, the value in the Free_Goods_vod field was cleared when a user selected the Quantity_vod field. |
CRM-209423 |
Push Notifications
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
An error occurred when users in areas with poor network connection did not receive push notifications. |
CRM-204313 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
After a user or account was reassigned to a different territory, an error occurred when syncing Multichannel_Consent_vod records for samples opt-in. |
CRM-195393 |
202.2.200 (October 8, 2020)
Account Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
The Sunday row did not fully display in the Office Best Times section of the Address or Child Account screen. |
CRM-209102 |
Browser (Classic) |
When a user selected the Edit button in the Office Best Times section on the Address or Child Account screen, previously created values did not display. Selecting the Done button cleared existing values. |
CRM-209206 |
Approved Email
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When multiple fragments were added to an Approved Email and a user selected any link in a fragment in Preview mode, all links directed to the same link as the first added fragment. |
CRM-207814 |
Call Scheduling
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When a Lightning user scheduled a call from My Accounts, the call could not be opened from the weekly calendar view. |
CRM-208990 |
Events Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Multichannel |
The Meal Opt-in screen did not display to attendees signing into an event using a QR Code. |
CRM-208764 |
202.2.100 (October 1, 2020)
Account Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
My Accounts displayed accounts that should not display when a View was using criteria filters on date fields with date literals. |
CRM-206478 |
Windows Tablet |
When a user navigated to an account from My Accounts and then navigated back to My Accounts, the previous vertical scrollbar position in the Account list was reset. |
CRM-207812 |
Browser (Classic) |
Some values did not display in the Account View Product Metrics drop-down list for users assigned to a large number of Products. |
CRM-207838 |
Approved Email
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
Saved or scheduled Sent_Email_vod records were sent to recipients even when the Sent_Email_vod records were deleted. |
CRM-207394 |
Call Objectives
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Windows Tablet |
Ellipses did not display for Call Objectives with long names. |
CRM-203747 |
Browser (Classic) |
Call Objectives displayed for calls with dates outside of the Call Objectives’ specified date ranges. |
CRM-207532 |
Call Reporting
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When a user created a Call Report from CLM for an account with only one location, the call record type was not saved to the Call Report. |
CRM-205148 |
Windows Tablet |
When a user removed a key message from the Call Report before saving the call, the remaining key messages were not renumbered. |
CRM-205531 |
Browser (Classic) |
When attendee specific fields were enabled, pre-call notes were not saved for the individual attendees of a group call. |
CRM-206262 |
Windows Tablet |
Dependent picklists with only one value defaulted to that value, rather than to None. |
CRM-206838 |
Browser (Classic) |
When a user attempted to submit a call with incomplete information for Other Attendees, the expected error message did not display. |
CRM-207907 |
iPad iPhone |
When Lightning users accessed the Call Report by selecting Go Online, check box fields displayed with a black fill. |
CRM-207717 |
Call Sampling
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
The keypad option did not display when users edited sample quantities. |
CRM-208721 |
Call Scheduling
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When a user edited My Schedule and then moved to another calendar view, filtering was not retained. |
CRM-206957 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
The iOS_Resolution_vod field was not ignored for Vault-generated content. |
CRM-207784 |
iPad |
An error occurred when displaying content using the saveObject function where an input parameter was formatted incorrectly for the field type. |
CRM-207697 |
Browser (Classic) |
When viewing overlays on the 12.9 inch iPad, the overlay shadow did not display correctly. |
CRM-207672 |
Multichannel |
An error occurred when syncing presentations and key messages expired in Vault but their Status_vod fields in CRM were blank. |
CRM-208018 |
iPad |
Links with schemes other than http or https embedded in JavaScript code did not launch correctly, including email, map, and FaceTime links. |
CRM-207821 |
Consent Capture
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When capturing consent, if the Request Receipt check box was selected and then deselected, email receipts were still sent to accounts. |
CRM-207595 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
The CALL_MY_PHONE Veeva Message did not translate correctly when viewing the More Options section of the Audio Options menu. |
CRM-206601 |
Events Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
Font color in various areas of the module did not update correctly when upgrading to Lightning. |
CRM-205384 |
Key Medical Insight
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When a user created a KMI, then added text in the Description field and formatted it, the text did not display bolded or italicized. |
CRM-206792 |
Multichannel Cycle Plans
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
An MCCP calculation for a Child Account enabled org resulted in an error when pulling through attributes from a Product_Metrics_vod object with a high data volume. |
CRM-206438 |
Browser (Classic) |
An MCCP calculation for a Child Account enabled org resulted in some Product_Metrics_vod pull-through fields to be unexpectedly blank when there was a high data volume. |
CRM-207687 |
Browser (Classic) |
When processing pull-through fields from the Account object, the MCCP calculation for a Child Account enabled org did not work as expected. |
CRM-207843 |
Network Integration
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Windows Tablet |
After an account failed to import through NAS due to a misconfiguration, the user was directed to the failed account page. |
CRM-208045 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
Selecting an envelope icon related to a Suggestion did not open the Send Email screen. |
CRM-207594 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
An error occurred when users with the same profile and permission sets were assigned different permissions via a managed package. |
CRM-206352 |
Browser (Classic) |
An error intermittently occurred when a large amount of users simultaneously synced data from Nitro. |
CRM-205558 |
Browser (Classic) |
An error occurred when signing in when the app failed to access the user data cache. |
CRM-205752 |