20R2.1 Maintenance Notes
The items listed below were added in 20R2.1. Maintenance items in the Veeva application are corrections to existing functionality.
202.1.500 (October 1, 2020)
Approved Email
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When an org contained 4500 or more scheduled Approved Emails, the emails were not sent when the Approved Email Scheduled Job ran. |
CRM-208667 |
Call Reporting
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When a user added themselves as an attendee to a call with action items enabled and then selected Done, an error occurred. |
CRM-208046 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
During a shared CLM presentation, if the host selected an embedded PDF link, the PDF content did not display to attendees. |
CRM-207869 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When the Veeva_Version_vod Veeva Common Setting could not be accessed, an error occurred. |
CRM-207941 |
202.1.401 (September 28, 2020)
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When sending either an Approved Email or an Engage invitation from a call with multiple attendees, the Sent Email records referenced the incorrect Call records for the recipient. |
CRM-208661 |
202.1.400 (September 24, 2020)
Account Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
After refreshing the Account Timeline screen several times, Multichannel Activity records no longer displayed. |
CRM-205211 |
Approved Email
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
Emails from an event were sent to attendees multiple times. |
CRM-207904 |
iPad |
When sending an email to a large number of event attendees, the application froze. |
CRM-208067 |
Multichannel |
When anonymous tracking was enabled for an email that was not immediately sent, Email Activities were incorrectly tracked. |
CRM-208507 |
Call Reporting
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When a submitted call was unlocked and the Jump To button was used to navigate between attendees, the Reaction field for CLM details was reset to None. |
CRM-208099 |
iPad |
The text for the Submit button was incorrectly translated. |
CRM-208188 CRM-208290 |
Call Sampling
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When a user saved and then reloaded the Call Report during the signature capture process for a Remote Meeting call with unique attendees enabled, duplicate sample records were created. |
CRM-208017 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When viewing PDF content and selecting a link with a scheme other than “http” or “https” that opened an external application, including email and telephone links, an error occurred. |
CRM-207880 |
Multichannel |
Incremental sync did not expire a previously synced key message when its corresponding slide in Vault was expired, withdrawn, or deleted. |
CRM-206893 CRM-208207 |
Medical Inquiries
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
Some MIFR records remained in saved status after the related call was submitted. |
CRM-207704 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Windows Tablet |
An error occurred when a queried field contained a tab character. |
CRM-207681 |
202.1.300 (September 17, 2020)
Approved Email
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
Approved Emails sent from an event were sometimes sent to recipients multiple times. |
CRM-207904 |
Browser (Classic) |
When a user selected Send Email from an event with a large number of attendees, the recipients list did not display. |
CRM-206389 |
Browser (Classic) |
Rendering an email template from an Event took a long time when there were a large number of available email fragments available. |
CRM-208068 |
Approved Notes
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
Exact match monitored phrases containing a leading or trailing non-alphanumeric character were not matched. |
CRM-195757 |
Browser (Classic) |
The Approved Notes process took a long time when processing a large number of records. |
CRM-199171 |
Call Reporting
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When a user selected General Comment as a Key Message, any existing CLM Key Messages on the call report were added to the General Comment section. |
CRM-205737 |
Network Integration
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When an Edit Address DCR included changes to license fields, an error occurred during the DCR Inbound process. |
CRM-207859 |
Order Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When a user clicked the Cancel button on an order in Lightning, the order was not cancelled. |
CRM-206818 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
The One_Time_vod record type for Survey_Target_vod object was not translated. |
CRM-207316 |
202.1.200 (September 10, 2020)
Account Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When a user who was not assigned to a Country created an account, an error message displayed. |
CRM-207481 |
Approved Email
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
Launching Approved Email from a Remote Meeting and selecting an email template with a Content Type caused an error. |
CRM-207387 |
Browser (Classic) |
The Bcc_vod field on the Sent_Email_vod object was on the Remote_Meeting_vod page layout rather than the Call_vod record type page layout, preventing the field from displaying on Engage invitations from Approved Email. |
CRM-206891 |
Approved WeChat
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
An Apex error occurred when upserting large numbers of WeChat activity. |
AW-2494 |
Call Reporting
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Windows Tablet |
When a user removed a key message from the call report before saving the call, the remaining key messages were not renumbered. |
CRM-205531 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When displaying PDF content on devices without a physical home button, the slides did not fit the screen correctly when a user navigated to the next slide using anchor tags. |
CRM-201389 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Multichannel |
Submitted Experience Ratings were not accurately counted in the list of successes and failures on the Engage Meeting & Webinar Process Administration page. |
CRM-207127 |
Key Medical Insights
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When a user created a Key Medical Insight, entered data, and selected the radio button, the entered Medical Inquiry text disappeared. |
CRM-207541 |
iPad |
When a user created a Key Medical Insight, entered data using a Bluetooth keyboard, and saved the record, an error occurred and the entered data did not save. |
CRM-207225 |
Medical Inquiries
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPhone |
When a user recorded a Medical Inquiry for a product with a long name, the Product Name and Delivery Method overlapped on the signature page. |
CRM-206951 |
Order Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When a user saved an order with a negative Arabic value in a number field, an error occurred. |
CRM-205001 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
Backgrounding the application after starting a webinar caused the application to crash when it was opened again. |
CRM-207585 |
Windows Tablet |
A syncing error occurred when resyncing Double Opt-in records that previously had a sync error. |
CRM-207444 |
202.1.100 (September 3, 2020)
Account Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
The Billing Address field value on the Account Detail screen displayed without spaces. |
CRM-194788 |
Browser (Classic) |
The standard SFDC Account Type field used in the New Account Wizard did not display. |
CRM-204552 |
Browser (Classic) |
When deploying the Veeva Lightning Business App for KAM in a TM2.0 enabled org, two component failures occurred. |
CRM-205608 |
Browser (Classic) |
Fields placed under a blank space in a two-column page layout were aligned incorrectly on the Account Preview page. |
CRM-204633 |
Approved Email
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
Double opt-in confirmation and receipt emails did not respect the RECIPIENT_NAME_IN_EMAIL_HEADER_vod Approved Email setting. |
CRM-203752 |
Windows Tablet |
When users sent an Approved Email from a CLM slide, preselected fragments for the email did not display. |
CRM-205236 |
Browser (Classic) |
Sending Approved Emails from various entry points redirected end users to the Accounts tab rather than back to the entry point. |
CRM-205976 |
iPad |
When sending an Approved Email with a token containing an account's title from an event, but the recipient account had no title, placeholder text was sent in the email rather than being excluded. |
CRM-206437 |
iPad | When test mode was enabled, emails failed if an opt-in record for the test email address did not exist. | CRM-205817 |
Windows Tablet |
Characters after an apostrophe in a {{customText}} picklist did not display. |
CRM-204441 |
iPad |
When sending Approved Emails from an Events Management event, the Done button did not display on the Preview Template modal. |
CRM-205973 |
Browser (Classic) |
When the {{userName}} token was used in a subject line, the token displayed to recipients as {{userName}}. |
CRM-206372 |
Browser (Classic) |
When sending an Approved Email from a Medical Event, the list of recipients did not display if the event contained duplicate attendees. |
CRM-206602 |
Browser (Classic) |
Email Activity records for Approved Emails that were Bounced, Dropped, or Marked as Spam were created with an empty Event_Msg_vod field. |
CRM-206834 CRM-207113 |
Browser (Classic) |
After navigating to Consent Capture from an Approved Email, users were not redirected back to the email after closing Consent Capture. |
CRM-206878 |
iPad | When a user attempted to send ten email fragments to ten or more recipients, an error occurred. | CRM-207214 |
Call Reporting
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
After sharing CLM content during a face-to-face Call or an Engage meeting, users were not able to edit the order of products in the Detailing Priority section of the Call Report. |
CRM-202888 |
iPad |
Product Plan names were partially truncated in the Product Strategy picklist. |
CRM-205371 |
iPad |
When users selected Done to end a CLM presentation on a Unique Activities Call, an error occurred and clickstream data were lost. |
CRM-203266 |
Browser (Classic) |
When an inactive product was selected in the Promotional Materials section for a call, the user could not submit a Call Report. |
CRM-203765 |
iPad |
When users added attendees to a call, the names for user attendees displayed in a different format than the names for account attendees. |
CRM-192770 CRM-192762 |
Browser (Classic) |
When a Lightning Experience user attempted to schedule a remote call associated with a medical event, the page froze. |
CRM-205453 |
Call Sampling
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Online | Products did not display in the expected order in the zvod_Sample_Lines_vod section. | CRM-205138 |
Browser (Classic) |
If a user entered a sample card number on a Call Report and then later added an attachment, the Sample Limit was incorrectly enforced. |
CRM-205609 |
iPhone | After a user either scanned a sample or selected Enter Barcode Number, a larger than usual space displayed below the Cancel option. | CRM-205717 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When viewing unassigned presentation activities in the Agenda view in My Schedule, sometimes the Remote Meeting icon unexpectedly displayed and the text was misaligned. |
CRM-204618 |
Browser (Classic) |
When syncing content from Vault that included slides which were unchanged from the last sync, but their Vault distribution records were updated, then an error occurred. |
CRM-206655 |
iPad |
An error occurred when interacting with a presentation that called the formatCreateRecords JavaScript method without passing in an object. |
CRM-207051 |
Consent Capture
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When signatures were not required for opt-out consent, the Paper Consent ID field did not display. |
CRM-205588 |
iPad |
Users could confirm consent without signatures by entering tabs in the Paper Consent ID field. |
CRM-205542 |
Browser (Classic) |
When capturing opt-out consent for a custom consent type without consent lines, the Paper Consent ID field did not display even though signatures were required. |
CRM-204914 CRM-205470 |
Browser (Classic) |
After navigating to Consent Capture from the Send Email screen from an Engage meeting in Lightning and capturing consent, users were not automatically redirected back to the Send Email screen. |
CRM-206448 |
iPad |
When managing email addresses for email receipts from the Consent Summary screen, the question mark icons did not display for the email addresses for which consent was being captured. |
CRM-200902 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When a user with the appropriate permissions updated a contract partner record, the record was updated but not locked. |
CRM-206305 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
When meeting hosts changed the name of a scheduled Engage meeting, the Dial-In and Call Me audio options did not display to attendees. |
CRM-203692 |
iPad |
The Meeting Controls Menu did not resize correctly when the device was rotated into Portrait mode. |
CRM-203699 |
Browser (Classic) |
An error occurred when a user tried to schedule an Engage meeting in an org where another user had the same SFID. |
CRM-204613 |
iPad |
When exiting CLM to the call report from a slide in Portrait mode, there was a delay in updating the color of the Sharing Status screen border. |
CRM-204622 |
Browser (Classic) |
When an Engage process finished, the Start Timestamp sometimes updated with the End Timestamp in the Attendance Report Process History table. |
CRM-203866 |
Browser (Classic) |
When scheduling an Engage meeting from a person account call with no additional attendees, the host was not automatically navigated to the Approved Email page if the call had suggested attendees. |
CRM-201736 |
Multichannel |
When using Remote Sampling, the API name of values of the State_vod and Country_vod picklist fields displayed instead of the label. |
CRM-205154 |
Engage Webinar
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
If Event Materials stored in Vault did not have a General lifecycle, Engage Webinar recordings were not posted to Vault. |
CRM-205603 |
Events Management
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
The Start Date in the Recent Events section of the Attendee Management page was formatted incorrectly for certain locales. |
CRM-204429 |
Browser (Classic) |
When the browser window was not the full width of a screen, dismissal text on the Attendee Reconciliation displayed truncated. |
CRM-203482 |
Windows Tablet |
Images attached to an event did not compress correctly and were difficult to read. |
CRM-204767 |
Browser (Classic) |
The Service Quantity field on a speaker’s contract displayed as one decimal place rather than two. |
CRM-205212 |
iPad |
The Failure icon did not display next to failed expense headers when the expense failed to submit to Concur. |
CRM-205481 |
Browser (Classic) |
Users could not add speakers to Event Sessions if the Event lookup field was not configured on the page layout. |
CRM-205705 |
Browser (Classic) |
Deactivated picklist values were not translated in view mode. |
CRM-205882 |
iPad |
When a user selected the New Attendee or All Locations options in an org with a large number of child accounts, the screen froze. |
CRM-199930 |
iPad |
If a custom validation rule prevented an attendee record from being updated, no error message displayed and the signature was not captured. |
CRM-204897 |
iPad |
Contracts were still generated even when an error occurred during the generation process. |
CRM-172710 |
Browser (Classic) |
Event Materials did not display to team members of an event. |
CRM-203197 |
iPad |
When filtering events, the Add Filter modal did not display correctly. |
CRM-206998 |
Medical Inquiry
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Online |
After a Medical Inquiry Fulfillment (MIF) validation rule fired, a Medical Inquiry Fulfillment Response was not created and the MIF status was set to Completed. |
CRM-198220 |
Online | When a user tried to save a new Medical Inquiry with an --mpi section signal, an error occurred. | CRM-206898 |
Network Integration
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
Browser (Classic) |
The CRM Data Subscription process did not properly clear mapped multi-select picklists in CRM. |
CRM-204044 |
Browser (Classic) |
An error on a single DCR caused a batch of DCRs to fail during the DCR Inbound process. |
CRM-205473 |
Platform |
Issue Description |
Issue Number |
iPad |
When a user selected Go Online from the My Samples tab, only two digits displayed in the Inventory Items Count field. |
CRM-204281 CRM-202534 |