New Fields
The list below contains all fields added in Veeva CRM Version 19R1. The fields are organized by object. Visibility to all fields is disabled by default to all users except administrators. See the Veeva Data Model information for a full listing of Veeva objects.
Object | Field Name | Field Label | Description | Field Type |
Account_vod | Total_Sent_Message_vod | Total Sent Message | The number of the messages have been sent | Number |
Account_vod | zvod_Account_QRcode_vod | Zvod_Account_QRcode | Marker field for the QR code in the account page layout | Checkbox |
Account_Partner_vod | Inventory_Monitoring_Type_vod | Inventory Monitoring Type | Picklist | |
Account_Partner_vod | Planogram_vod | Planogram | Lookup | |
Action_Item_vod | Mobile_ID_vod | Mobile ID | System field used by mobile products to aid synchronization. | Text |
Approved_Document_vod | Check_Consent | Check Consent | Check Consent overrides default consent set at Account | Picklist |
Approved_Document_vod | WeChat_Template_ID_vod | WeChat Template ID | Stores the service account template ID | Text |
Call_Objective_vod | Display_Order_vod | Display Order | A way to determine the order in which the Call Objective appears on the call report, based on ascending alphanumeric sorting. | Text |
Content_Type_vod | Disclaimer_Page_Url_vod | Disclaimer Page URL | Stores the disclaimer URL that is shown to an HCP during the subscription process to a service account | Text |
Content_Type_vod | Service_Account_App_Id_vod | Service Account App Id | Stores WeChat Service Account APP ID | Text |
Data_Change_Request_vod | Network_Create_Unverified_vod | Network Create Unverified | Determines if the DCR will override the Network workflow settings and create an Unverified Record in Network. | Number |
EM_Attendee_vod | Webinar_Participant_ID_vod | Webinar Participant ID | Engage Webinar participant identifier | Text |
EM_Event_Action_vod | Add_Delegates_to_Event_vod | Add Delegates to Event | Used to add a delegate approver to the event team | PIcklist |
EM_Event_History_vod | Delegate_Approver_IDs_vod | Delegate Approver IDs | Stores the IDs of all delegate approvers. | Long Text Area |
EM_Event_History_vod | Delegate_Approver_vod | Delegate Approver | The user selected as the delegate approver | Lookup |
EM_Event_Speaker_vod | Webinar_Panelist_ID_vod | Webinar Panelist ID | Webinar panelist identifier | Text Engage |
Multichannel_Activity_vod | Sent_Message_External_Id_vod | Sent Message External Id | External ID to determine which Sent Message to write Multichannel Activity for | Text |
Multichannel_Activity_vod | Sent_Message_vod | Sent Message | Indicates which Sent Message record the activity is associated with | Lookup |
Multichannel_Consent_vod | Captured_By_vod | Captured By | Captured_By_vod is a lookup to the user who invited the HCP to consent | Lookup |
Multichannel_Consent_vod | Channel_Source_vod | Channel Source | Stores the object and field API names of the channel source. | Text |
Multichannel_Consent_vod | User_Last_Notified_vod | User Last Notified | User_Last_Notified_vod contains the datetime of when the User has been notified that an Account has been verified | Date/Time |
Order_vod | Delivery_Payment_Rule_vod | Delivery Payment Rule | Shows and stores the Delivery Payment Term that the rule has determined, not editable by users | Text |
Order_vod | Delivery_Payment_vod | Delivery Payment | Shows and store the Delivery Payment Term value that the user settled on | Text |
Order_vod | zvod_Delivery_Payment_Rule_vod | zvod_Delivery_Payment_Rule | Marker field used to display the Delivery Payment Term rule that was calculated by the pricing engine for a delivery order | Checkbox |
Order_vod | zvod_Delivery_Payment_vod | zvod_Delivery_Payment | Marker field used to display the Payment Term selector for delivery orders | Checkbox |
Product_vod | Height_vod | Height | Number | |
Product_vod | Width_vod | Width | Number | |
Sent_Message_vod | Account_vod | Account | Lookup to the associated HCP account record. | Lookup |
Sent_Message_vod | Capture_Datetime_vod | Capture Datetime | The date time when the user trigger to send content to the HCP | Date/Time |
Sent_Message_vod | Content_Clicked_vod | Content Clicked | Content_Clicked_vod is a formula field which captures if there was at least single click event or not for sent content | Formula |
Sent_Message_vod | Content_Type_vod | Content Type | Content_Type_vod stores the service account record in the Sent Message record if the record type of the Sent Message record is WeChat_vod | Lookup |
Sent_Message_vod | Content_vod | Content | Content_vod represents the Multichannel Content to which the Sent_Message_vod record is associated | Lookup |
Sent_Message_vod | Delivered_Datetime_vod | Delivered Datetime | Delivered_Datetime_vod is the datetime when the message has reached the recipient's inbox | Date/Time |
Sent_Message_vod | Detail_Group_vod | Detail Group | Detail_Group_vod represents the detail group to which the Sent_Email_vod record is associated. This will correspond to the Detail Group to which the product (Product_vod) is aligned. | Lookup |
Sent_Message_vod | Last_Open_Datetime_vod | Last Open Datetime | The last date time when the account opened the content in WeChat | Date/Time |
Sent_Message_vod | Opened_vod | Opened | Opened_vod captures if the message was opened at least once or not at all. | Number |
Sent_Message_vod | Product_vod | Product | Product_vod represents the product to which the multichannel content is associated | Lookup |
Sent_Message_vod | Sent_Datetime_vod | Sent Datetime | Sent_Datetime_vod is the datetime when the Tencent service dispatched the message. | Date/Time |
Sent_Message_vod | Status_vod | Status | Status_vod captures the status of the message delivery. | Picklist |
Sent_Message_vod | Template_vod | Template | Template_vod represents the WeChat message template to which the Sent_Message_vod record is associated | Lookup |
Sent_Message_vod | Territory_vod | Territory | The territory associated to the user who sent the message | Text |
Sent_Message_vod | Total_Duration_vod | Total Duration | The sum of the duration that the account views the content (in seconds). This is updated by an APEX class job. | Number |
Sent_Message_vod | Total_Interacts_With_Content_vod | Total Interaction | The clickthrough action in the content | Number |
Sent_Message_vod | User_vod | User | User_vod is a Lookup to the User that sent the message | Lookup |
Sent_Message_vod | VExternal_Id_vod | VExternal ID | External ID to determine which Sent Message to write Multichannel Activity for | Text |
Sync_Tracking_vod | Successful_Sync_vod | Successful Sync | Contains 1 if the sync was successful. | Formula |
Sync_Tracking_vod | Sync_Type_vod | Sync Type | Type of synchronization that occurred, such as Incremental, User-triggered or Forced (a.k.a. triggered by the tablet because of new fields in the describe). | Picklist |
Veeva_Settings_vod | KMI_RESTRICTED_WORDS_MESSAGES_vod | KIM Restricted Words Veeva Messages | This setting works with the corresponding Veeva Messages listed. It is used to filter for words or phrases that a customer wants to prevent a rep from entering in a Medical Insights record. | Text |