Multichannel Overview

Veeva Multichannel solutions cover two distinct channels: CLM and Approved Email. Developing content for these channels is critical to the success of customers' communication goals and is a significant commitment for customers and their content agencies. This topic provides guidelines for developing content that can be used for one or many channels.

Channel Name Channel Type Channel Purpose Media Types Reusable HTML Content?
CLM Mobile device (iPad or Windows)

The rep or MSL displays CLM presentations while meeting face to face with HCPs or HCOs. This is a rep- or MSL-led interaction.


Content is downloaded locally and does not require an internet or data connection to display.

  • HTML5
  • Images
  • Video
  • PowerPoint (when converted by Vault to image files)
  • PDF

Reusing CLM HTML content can be challenging. The content is built for a mobile touch device and is rarely intended to be used with a mouse and with older HTML4 browsers, like Internet Explorer 8, commonly used by HCPs.

Other media types can be re-used.

Approved Email Desktop, web or mobile email clients Approved emails are a communication from rep or medical staff member to HCPs and HCOs. The allow reps or medical personnel to send controlled, compliant email.
  • HTML
Because emails are a unique form of HTML, this content cannot be reused for the web or CLM.