CLM Explicit Opt In |
Determines NULL behavior of Account.CLM_Opt_Type_vod attribute. If FALSE, then CLM consent will be Implicity Opt-In. When TRUE, this assumes that all accounts are Opted Out by default, and must be Explicitly Opted-In to receive email. |
CLM No Consent Behavior |
Determines tracking behavior when the proper consent is not available when CLM Media is displayed to an Account. 0 or NULL = No Tracking, 1 = Track anonymously to Multichannel Activity. |
Default Directory |
Stores the External_Id_vod__c of the default Directory when accessing CLM. |
Hide CLM Thumbnails In All Dir View |
False: Thumbnails display in "CLM Presentations" and "Training Presentations" Directories. True: Thumbnails do not display in "CLM Presentations" and "Training Presentations" Directories. |
MCCP Enable Detail Priority |
0 or null = disabled. 1 = enables the MCCP sub-section in the Call Detail Priority section. Columns displayed will be Detail Priority and Product. |
MCCP Enable Goals Remaining |
0 or null = disabled
1 = enables the MCCP sub-section in the Call Detail Priority section. Columns displayed will be Detail Priority and Product. |
MCCP Fields in MySchedule Pop-Up |
List of API field names from MC_Cycle_Plan_Product_vod to be displayed in the product grid in MCCP pop-up of MySchedule |
Medical Inquiry Overlay |
Setting to configure launching medical inquiries. |
Select CLM Call Record Type |
Allows users to select the call record type for a CLM Call. |
Track CLM Media Preview |
Setting to configure CLM Tracking from Media Preview when no Account is selected. |