Tracking Details

Engage for Portals tracks detailed user engagement activity as Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod records. Each slide record line can have a duration (stored in Multichannel_Activity_Line_vod.Duration_vod) but duration values are approximate in some cases, and may be NULL in some cases.

Duration Tracking Behavior:

  • For the first slide activity, duration value is tracked if the user views the slide for more than 2 seconds If the first slide is viewed for less than 2 seconds, the Duration value is NULL. This implies the user opened the first slide, but navigated away from the page within 2 seconds.
  • Duration values are updated every 30 seconds when the user is viewing a slide. The duration value will be updated in 30 second increments.
  • When the user navigates to the next slide, the duration value on the prior slide will be updated with the total actual time spent as of the transition to the next slide.
  • Time spent on a single slide is capped at 300 seconds (5 minutes). It is assumed the user is interrupted, for example left their desk or is doing something else, and we limit the duration tracking.
  • When the user closes the browser window, Engage for Portals may not capture the exact duration of the final slide. This is a browser limitation. Some browsers allow Engage for Portals to track the close event, and some do not. When a browser does not allow this we capture the duration on a 30 second timer, and the trailing time up to 29 seconds may not be captured.

Scenarios Where the Duration is NULL

  • The user spent less than 2 seconds on the last slide they viewed
  • If only one slide was viewed, and the duration was less than 2 seconds, the duration on the activity line will be NULL, and the total duration on the Multichannel_Activity_vod record will also be NULL.
  • In exceptional circumstances, tracking events might be lost that will cause the duration times on the last slide to be NULL.

Examples of Engage for Portals Tracking

User views one slide for less than 2 seconds:

  • User lands on Engage presentation for less than 2 seconds and closes the browser
  • Result: Multichannel Activity and Multichannel Activity Line durations will both be NULL

User views one slide for more than 2 seconds and does not transition to next slide:

  • User lands on Engage presentation for 130 seconds and then closes browser window
  • Multichannel Activity Line record duration will be updated at these intervals:
  • 2 seconds
  • 32 seconds
  • 62 seconds
  • 92 seconds
  • 122 seconds
  • Result: The duration for Slide One will be 122 seconds. The final 8 seconds will not be tracked since we update at 30 second intervals.
  • Result: Multichannel Activity duration will be 122 seconds

User views Slide One for 58 seconds and Slide Two for 38 seconds, then closes the browser:

  • User lands on Engage presentation Slide One
  • Multichannel Activity Line Slide One record duration will be updated at these intervals:
  • 2 seconds
  • 32 seconds
  • At 58 seconds user navigates to Slide Two.
  • Result: The duration for Slide One will be 58 seconds since we capture the duration upon slide transition
  • Multichannel Activity Line Slide Two record duration will be updated at these intervals:
  • 2 seconds
  • 32 seconds
  • Result: The duration for Slide Two will be 32 seconds since the browser was closed. The final 6 seconds will not be tracked since we update at 30 second intervals (this assumes the browser close action cannot be tracked).
  • Result: Multichannel Activity duration will be 90 seconds (58 seconds Slide One + 32 seconds Slide Two)

User views Slide One for 58 seconds, navigates to Slide Two and does not close the browser:

  • User lands on Engage presentation Slide One
  • Multichannel Activity Line Slide One record duration will be updated at these intervals:
  • 2 seconds
  • 32 seconds
  • At 58 seconds user navigates to Slide Two.
  • Result: The duration for Slide One will be 58 seconds since we capture the duration upon slide transition
  • Multichannel Activity Line Slide Two record duration will be updated at these intervals:
  • 2 seconds
  • 32 seconds
  • 62 seconds, and will continue to a maximum duration of 300 seconds
  • Result: The duration for Slide Two will be 300 seconds since we limit the duration for any one slide to 300 seconds
  • Result: Multichannel Activity duration will be 358 seconds (58 seconds Slide One + 300 seconds Slide Two)

User views Slide One for 10 seconds, navigates to Slide Two for less than 2 seconds, next to Slide 3 for less than 2 seconds, next to Slide 4 and does not close the browser:

  • User lands on Engage presentation Slide One
  • Multichannel Activity Line Slide One record duration will be updated at these intervals:
  • 2 seconds
  • At 10 seconds user navigates to Slide Two.
  • Result: The duration for Slide One will be 10 seconds since we capture the duration upon slide transition
  • Multichannel Activity Line Slide Two record duration will be 1 second, since the user quickly navigates to Slide Three
  • Multichannel Activity Line Slide Three record duration will be 1 second, since the user quickly navigates to Slide Four
  • Multichannel Activity Line Slide Four record duration will be updated at these intervals:
  • 2 seconds
  • 32 seconds
  • 62 seconds, and will continue to a maximum duration of 300 seconds
  • Result: The duration for Slide Four will be 300 seconds since we limit the duration for any one slide to 300 seconds

Integration with Veeva CRM

The following Veeva JavaScript Library functions currently work with Engage for Portals:

  • getDataForCurrentObject - available if an Account is specified (using the '&actid' parameter) which exists in the Veeva CRM DB. Allows access using following keywords: Account, Address, and TSF
  • nextSlide
  • prevSlide


Native Tracking

Tracking of slide views is automatically done by the player. Each time the player is loaded, a Multichannel Activity record is created. Each slide view has a child Multichannel Activity Line record created.

Key information tracked:

  • Multichannel Content
  • Multichannel Content Asset
  • Key Message
  • Product/Detail Group
  • Duration
  • Display Order

Custom Tracking using the JavaScript Library

The createMultichannelActivityLine function works with Engage for Portals. It automatically fills in the various properties from Multichannel Content Asset, Multichannel Activity lookup, and the date/time.

Account Tracking

Account activity is tracked using the following parameters included in the URL used to visit the portal:

  • The &actId parameter – If &actId = <Account SFDC record ID>is appended to an Engage for Portals URL, the Multichannel Activity and Multichannel Activity Line associated with the specific account.
  • The &extId parameter – If &extId = <Third Party External ID> is appended to the URL, the Multichannel Activity and Multichannel Activity Lines associate with the corresponding Third Party External ID.

Whenever a user generates a new Engage for Portals session, a new Multichannel_Activity_vod record generates and associates with the corresponding Account_External_ID_Map_vod record. To associated with the appropriate Account_External_ID_Map_vod record, the following process is performed automatically:

  • If an existing Account_External_ID_Map_vod record already exists with a matching VExternal_ID_vod field, the existing record is associated with the Multichannel_Activity_vod record
  • If no records exist with a matching VExternal_ID_vod field, a new record is created and associated with the Multichannel_Acvtivity_vod record.

The VExternal_ID_vod field may contain one of several values, based on the parameter included in the URL:

  • If the &actId parameter was included, the VExternal_ID_vod field displays in the format Account SFDC ID::Domain. For example:

  • If the &extId parameter was included, the VExternal_ID_vod field displays in the format Third Party ID::Domain. For example:

  • If neither parameter is included, the VExternal_ID_vod field contains a User Cookie that can be used to reconcile Account_External_ID_Map_vod records. For example:

    When an account visits an HCP portal for the first time, and the URL used has an &extId parameter, a new Account_External_ID_Map_vod record is created with all fields except for Account_vod automatically populated.

    Later, the same account visits the same portal using a different link with an &actId parameter. A new Account_External_ID_Map_vod is created with all fields, including Account_vod, automatically populated.

    These two records have the same User_Cookie_vod value, so the admin can reconcile the two records to ensure data quality.