WeChat App Setup
Creating the Tencent Enterprise Account Application
Administrators need to create an app via the Tencent WeChat Enterprise Account Administrator Platform (微信企业号管理后台).
- Set the Trust Domain to one of the following values:
Salesforce Org | Trust Domain value |
Sandbox | wcrm-sbx-app-ap.veevacrm.com |
Production | wcrm-app-ap.veevacrm.com |
- Take note of the App ID.
- Select Authentication Management to set the Security Setting.
- Create a new Management Team.
- Authorize the WeChat application.
- Take note of the CorpID and Secret.
The administrator of the WeChat Enterprise Account needs to configure the trust domain for the Approved WeChat server to enable the use of the JS-SDK API in the WeChat Enterprise Account Application.
Set the Trust Domain Name (可信域名) field for the WeChat Enterprise Account Application to one of the following values:
Salesforce Org | Trust Domain Name value |
Sandbox | wcrm-sbx-app-ap.veevacrm.com |
Production | wcrm-app-ap.veevacrm.com |
Apply the Trust Domain Name by selecting the Domain Name Verification link (申请校验域名).
Administrators need to download the generated domain verification file by selecting the download file link (下载文件).
Administrators need to submit a support case with this file to Veeva Customer Support to request to have the domain verification file uploaded to the Approved WeChat server.
Once Veeva confirms the domain verification file is uploaded, the Administrator should verify the JS-SDK status in the WeChat Enterprise Account Application is "已上传域名归属校验文件" .
Configuring Approved WeChat Application Menu URLs
Administrators need to configure menus and their associated external URLs within the Tencent WeChat Enterprise Application to provide access to the Approved WeChat Application functionality.
The URL format for creating each of the Approved WeChat Application external URLs is as follows:
https://HOST_NAME/wechat-crmapp/<FUNCTION_URL>?orgId=<Salesforce 18-bit OrgId>
Customers should replace HOST_NAME with one of the following values:
Salesforce Org | HOST_NAME values |
Salesforce Org | HOST_NAME values |
Sandbox | wcrm-sbx-app-ap.veevacrm.com |
Production | wcrm-app-ap.veevacrm.com |
To configure the URL:
- Select App Center from the console.
- Select the Approved WeChat app.
- Select Common Mode.
- Select the Settings button to customize menus.
- Add the menu hierarchy. WeChat allows up to three first-level menus and up to five second-level menus under each first-level menu.
- Add URLs for each functional menu in the table below.
- Select Save.
- Select Public.
Configuring a SalesForce Connected App
To create a new connected app:
- Navigate to Connected Apps in CRM. Setup>App Setup>Create>Apps>Connected Apps.
- Enter the Basic Information:
- Connected App Name - Approved WeChat
- API Name: Approved_WeChat_vod
- Enable OAuth Settings:
- Select the Enable OAuth Setting check box.
- In the Callback URL field enter one of the following URLs
- Sandbox: https://wcrm-sbx-app-ap.veevacrm.com/wechat-crmapp/_auth
- Production: https://wcrm-sbx-app-ap.veevacrm.com/wechat-crmapp/_auth
- Select OAuth Scopes:
- Access and manage your data (api)
- Access custom permissions (custom_permissions)
- Access your basic information (id, profile, email, address, phone)
- Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
- Select Save.
- View the newly create app.
- Take note of the CorpID and Secret.
Configuring the WeChat Connection in the Veeva CRM Org
Company Administrators need to configure a new Veeva CRM org for the Approved WeChat Application in the WeChat Administration Console.
- Navigate to the WeChat Connection Management section.
- Enter the appropriate information for the following:
- Salesforce Key
- Salesforce Secret
- Salesforce Endpoint
- WeChat Corporate ID
- WeChat Secret
- WeChat Agent Number