Required Event Material Rules

  • iPad
  • Browser

Required Event Material rules improve compliance and audit trails across events by requiring event organizers to attach supporting materials to an event before an event action can be performed.

The Required Event Material Rule can be configured to either warn event organizers of violations or prevent them from proceeding until violations are addressed.

For example, Sarah Jones holds an event. When she tries to close the event, a warning displays telling her that she first needs to submit receipts, a copy of the paper sign in sheet, as well as copies of all final event materials used in the event. Sarah attaches these materials to the event, which are reviewed by her company’s auditing, then closes her event.

See Examples of Event Material Rules for detailed examples of these types of rules.


Configuring Required Event Material Rules

To configure this feature:

  1. Grant admins the following permissions:



    Record Types





    • Comment_Required_vod
    • EM_Event_Material_vod
    • Global_Rule_vod
    • Warning_Text_vod
    • Warning_Type_vod




    • Comment_Box_vod
    • Comment_vod
    • EM_Event_Material_vod
    • Event_Action_vod
    • Event_vod
    • RecordTypeId
    • Status_vod
    • Veeva_ID_vod
    • Warning_Text_vod




    • Action_Datetime_vod
    • Action_Type_vod
    • EM_Attendee_Account_vod
    • EM_Attendee_Contact_vod
    • EM_Attendee_User_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_Configuration_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_Type_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_vod
    • EM_Event_Material_vod
    • EM_Event_Speaker_vod
    • Event_Action_vod
    • Event_vod
    • Expense_Type_vod
    • Platform_vod
    • Record_Violated_ID_vod
    • Record_Violated_Name_vod
    • Run_Rule_Type_vod
    • User_vod
    • Warning_Type_vod





    • Attachment_Requirement_vod
    • Event_vod
    • Has_Attachment_vod
    • Name_vod
    • Required_Event_Action_vod


  2. Grant end users the following permissions:



    Record Types





    • Comment_Required_vod
    • EM_Event_Material_vod
    • Global_Rule_vod
    • Warning_Text_vod
    • Warning_Type_vod




    • Comment_Box_vod
    • Comment_vod
    • EM_Event_Material_vod
    • Event_Action_vod
    • Event_vod
    • RecordTypeId
    • Status_vod
    • Veeva_ID_vod
    • Warning_Text_vod




    • Action_Datetime_vod
    • Action_Type_vod
    • EM_Attendee_Account_vod
    • EM_Attendee_Contact_vod
    • EM_Attendee_User_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_Configuration_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_Type_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_vod
    • EM_Event_Material_vod
    • EM_Event_Speaker_vod
    • Event_Action_vod
    • Event_vod
    • Expense_Type_vod
    • Platform_vod
    • Record_Violated_ID_vod
    • Record_Violated_Name_vod
    • Run_Rule_Type_vod
    • User_vod
    • Warning_Type_vod





    • Attachment_Requirement_vod
    • Event_vod
    • Has_Attachment_vod
    • Name_vod
    • Required_Event_Action_vod


  3. Override the following EM_Event_Material_vod buttons with the following Visualforce pages:

    • Edit – Set to EM_Event_Material_Edit_vod
    • New – Set to EM_Event_Material_Edit_vod
    • View – Set to EM_Event_Material_View_vod
  4. Grant all users access to the following Apex classes:

    • VeevaEmBusRuleModel
    • VeevaEmBusRuleUtils
    • VeevaEmBusRuleMaterial

Creating Required Event Material Rules

To create Event Material Rules as an admin:

  1. Navigate to the Event Business Rules tab.
  2. Create a new Event Business Rule with a record type of EM_Required_Event_Material_Rule_vod.
  3. Select Next.
  4. Populate the following fields:

    • Name
    • Run_Rule_Event_Action_vod – Enter the appropriate button name to run the rule whenever the event organizer selects the button

      Enter only one button name in this field. The Reschedule_vod and Cancel_Event_vod buttons are not supported event actions. Rules with these buttons as the defined event action will not run.

    • EM_Event_Material_vod – The name of the resulting EM_Event_Material_vod record
    • Global_Rule_vod – Applies the rule to all countries, regardless of any countries associated via Event Business Rule Configuration records
    • Warning_Type_vod – Select either Hard Warning or Soft Warning. See Warning Text and Tokens for more information.
    • Warning_Text_vod – Displays the Veeva Message that displays if this rule is violated. See Warning Text and Tokens for more information.
    • Comment_Required_vod – Only displays if the Warning Type is Soft Warning. Select one of the following options:
    • Required – Organizers must leave a comment when dismissing a soft warning
    • Optional – Organizers may leave a comment when dismissing a soft warning
    • Hidden – The comment box does not display
  5. Select Save.

Creating Event Material Rule Configurations

After the event rule is created, admins must create an associated EM_Business_Rule_Configuration_vod record to determine which event type, country, and timespan the rule should apply to.

To associate event rules to EM_Business_Rule_Configuration_vod records, create a EM_Business_Rule_Configuration_vod record from the Business Rule Configurations related list of the appropriate business rule with the following field values:

  • Event_Business_Rule_vod – Automatically populates with the appropriate event rule
  • Event_Type_vod – Enter the appropriate EM_Event_vod record type the event rule applies to
  • Country_vod – Use the lookup to select the appropriate Country_vod record. This field does not display if the Global_Rule_vod check box was selected.
  • Rule_Start_Date_vod – Defines the start of the active period of the rule
  • Rule_End_Date_vod – Defines the end of the active period of the rule

Only one business rule configuration can be active for each combination of Event_Type_vod, Event_Business_Rule_vod, and Country_vod.

Using Required Event Material Rules

When event organizers create an event with Country_vod and Event_Type_vod fields that match active Event Material Rules, EM_Event_Material_vod records are created for each applicable rule. These EM_Event_Material_vod records are created with the following properties:

  • Record Type – Required_Attachment_vod
  • Name_vod – Reflects the value of the EM_Event_Material_vod field of the associated rule
  • Attachment_Requirement_vod – This picklist can be one of the following values, based on the value of the Warning_Type_vod picklist on the associated rule:
  • Required_vod – If the Warning Type is Hard_Warning_vod
  • Optional_vod – If the Warning Type is Soft_Warning_vod
  • Required_Event_Action_vod – Reflects the value of the Run_Rule_Event_Action_vod field of the associated rule
  • Has_Attachment_vod – Always populates with a value of No_vod

Event organizers can then upload the appropriate attachments or files to these EM_Event_Material_vod records. When an attachment or file is uploaded to the record, the Has_Attachment_vod field updates with a value of Yes_vod.

If event organizers do not upload an attachment or file to an EM_Event_Material_vod record when they select the Run_Rule_Event_Action_vod button, a hard or soft warning displays informing organizers they did not upload all of the required attachments or files.

Utilizing Event Format and Location Type in Required Event Material Rules

Admins can configure Required Event Material Rules to only apply to certain event formats or location types, improving both efficiency and compliance when planning events. By making business rules more specific, admins can avoid creating redundant business rules.

See Utilizing Event Format and Location Type in Event Business Rules for more information.