Account Plan Sharing Using the Account Plan Hierarchy

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The Account Plan Sharing feature uses the org-level Account_Plan_Object_Hierarchy_vod Veeva Setting to share records with team members based on a defined hierarchy.

For example, Alice Adams defines an Account Plan Hierarchy with a model where an Account Plan consists of several Account Tactics. The Account Tactics have multiple linked action items. To represent this, Alice adds the following value in the org-level Account_Plan_Object_Hierarchy_vod Veeva Setting: Account_Tactic_vod__c.Account_Plan_vod__r,Action_Item_vod__c.Account_Tactic_vod__r. In this example, the Share_With_vod field drives record access for account plans, account tactics, and action items for end users who are team members on the Account Plan with a particular role that applies to the Share With values.

This feature also allows custom objects to be added to the hierarchy and considered when calculating sharing.